Joseph Scalice Profile picture
Historian of the Philippines & SE Asia | Revolutionary movements | Authoritarianism // Asst Prof, @hkbaptistu // The Drama of Dictatorship, @CornellPress

Oct 17, 2021, 17 tweets

Remember this? The national democratic movement, led by Makabayan, endorsed and supported Rodrigo Duterte in 2016, depicting him as progressive, even "socialist." 1/ 🧵

We are witnessing, as the 2022 Presidential election opens, another mad scramble by the 'national democratic' forces, to secure a useful alliance with a leading politico, whom they can endorse and with whom they can campaign. They are courting Robredo, Pacquiao & Isko Moreno. 2/

It is a sordid affair, watching them tie themselves into knots to both criticize and prepare to support these leading representatives of the ruling elite. In the process, they want everyone to forget that this photo ever happened. 3/

The question arises: who will they not endorse? Is there anyone that Bayan will not ally with? Let's revisit this history with a few images. 4/

Here are @satur_ocampo and Paeng Mariano allied with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in 2000. 5/

Again, Ocampo, Crispin Beltran and GMA. There was a real intimacy to this alliance. But they would rather you forget this. 6/

Recall how in 2010 they allied with and campaigned for real estate billionaire Manny Villar. Here are Satur Ocampo and Liza Maza raising hands with the man responsible for the forcible eviction of more shantytown residents than almost anyone in the country. 7/

They shared Villar's slate with Bongbong Marcos. Here is Marcos, running for senate, raising hands with Satur Ocampo. 8/

Here is Ocampo shaking Marcos' hand. Shameless. 9/

How about the temporary alliance with Gregorio Honasan and Ping Lacson in 2004? Here Ocampo joins hands with Honasan, whose hands are covered in the blood of the Filipino working class, including Olalia and Alay-ay. 10/

Or the alliance between Bong Revilla and @teddycasino in 2013? 11/

Alfredo Lim, directly responsible for the Mendiola Massacre of 1987? Casino chose to stand next to him raising his fist to honor Crispin Beltran. 12/

How about Joseph Estrada, whom Bayan denounced as tyrannical and corrupt when they were allied with Arroyo? They welcomed Estrada's support for Colmenares in 2015. 13/

Here is the note that Crispin Beltran wrote to Estrada in 2006: "Dear Erap, you are great! ... Continue being steadfast, Erap! Magtatagumpay tayo!" Again, utter shamelessness. 14/

They are now looking to move from this to a new alliance. And they welcome all comers. In service to this they are looking to bury and rewrite the past, in a manner perversely akin to the Marcoses. 15/

If you want to gain a historical and theoretical understanding of how these rotten alliances are rooted in the program of the Stalinism, I would encourage you to read my lecture of last year. 16/16…

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