Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/📸/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

Oct 17, 2021, 42 tweets

I will start my #CHEST2021 tweet-ucation with our live session on "The New Wave of Burnout"!   #CHEST2021  1/

First up is ME talking on the "Impact and Sequelae of Burnout!" #CHEST2021 2/

My learning objectives #CHEST2021 3/

Burnout is a syndrome that results from chronic workplace stress that is characterized by these three dimensions. #CHEST2021 4/

The impact of burnout on healthcare providers includes depression, suicidal thoughts, and an increased risk of alcohol dependence! #CHEST2021 5/

The impacts of burnout on patients include medical errors, suboptimal patient care, poorer quality prescribing patterns, longer post-discharge recovery times, and decreased patient satisfaction! #CHEST2021 6/

The impacts of burnout on organizations include higher no-show rates and decreased productivity of healthcare providers! #CHEST2021 7/

The 2011-2014 increase in burnout in physicians translates to the loss of the graduating cost of SEVEN medical schools! #CHEST2021 8/

The decreased productivity is CRAZY EXPENSIVE. Additionally, a burned-out team member can worsen burnout in other team members! #CHEST2021 9/

Take home points on the impact of burnout #CHEST2021 10/

Next up we have Dr. Rachel Quaney (@RachelQuaneyMD) talking on "Mitigation Strategies by Addressing Systematic Issues" #CHEST2021 11/

Models of occupational drivers of burnout #CHEST2021 12/

Burnout increases when the workload exceeds our capacity. We also need appropriate awards commensurate with the effort put in. Community and teamwork is important. Someone's personal values aligning with how they spend their time also has an impact on burnout.#CHEST2021 13/

Workload can include the number of hours or shifts worked, rate of patient turnover, EHR, staffing shortages, etc. Interventions include a coverage system, following the top of license principle, and addressing institutional inefficiencies! #CHEST2021 14/

Control drivers include lack of protected time, team structure, and productivity expectations. Potential interventions include incorporating flexibility and matching work to talent and interests. #CHEST2021 15/

Community drivers of burnout include impaired relationships and lack of support. Potential interventions include fostering collegiality, improved communication, and leadership training (better leadership is associated with less burnout!) #CHEST2021 16/

Drivers in the values domain include administrative demand for productivity and perceived non-beneficial treatment. Potential interventions include matching work to interests, providing opportunities for professional development, and better communication. #CHEST2021 17/

Drivers of burnout in the rewards domain include compensation based on billing and lack of support. Potential interventions include novel compensation models and recognizing exemplary efforts. #CHEST2021 18/

Start by defining the group, assessing the causes of burnout, then instituting interventions FOCUSED on the causes, then assess the results of those interventions. #CHEST2021 19/

Dr. Quaney's conclusions #CHEST2021 20/

Next up is Dr. Saadia Faiz (@sfaiz212) speaking on "Recognition and Assessment of Burnout" #CHEST2021 21/

Burnout is a state of mental exhaustion caused by one's professional life. #CHEST2021 22/

Hallmarks of burnout #CHEST2021 23/

Symptoms associated with burnout include psychological and physical symptoms. #CHEST2021 24/

Things to look out for in yourself and others that may be red flags for burnout. #CHEST2021 25/

Drivers of burnout can include individual ones, and those within a work unit, organization, and even national ones! #CHEST2021 26/

The MBI is the most commonly used burnout assessment tool and assesses all three domains of burnout. It's limiting factors include it's length and that the questions assess things long-term (which makes it less effective in assessing short-term changes).  #CHEST2021 27/

Other burnout tools include the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. #CHEST2021 28/

Other assessment tools for burnout #CHEST2021 29/

This is a cool study (bias: I'm one of the authors) that identified potential risk factors for burnout in PCCM fellows! #CHEST2021 30/

Speak up when you feel or see burnout! Make yourself a priority! Establish boundaries! Find your joy! #CHEST2021 31/

Dr. Faiz's conclusions! #CHEST2021 32/

And we end this session with Dr. Lakshmana Swamy (@laxswamy) on "Wellness Initiative to Decrease and Reverse Burnout" #CHEST2021 33/

ICU burnout was bad PRE-pandemic! #CHEST2021 #CHEST2021 34/

These things make us squirm. These are red flags for "wellness' initiatives that are not (and sometimes are counter) productive! #CHEST2021 35/

Make sure you take care of yourself in all domains, physically, emotionally, and socially. #CHEST2021 36/

Symptoms of burnout #CHEST2021 37/

For emotional exhaustion, consider recharging your battery with loved ones & hobbies outside of medicine. For lack of personal achievement, do things that make you feel like you accomplished something. Intentional reflection is key for combatting depersonalization. #CHEST2021 38/

Which ones of these core values do you refuse to compromise on? If you find yourself compromising your core values, it's time to reflect seriously on potential changes that need to be made. #CHEST2021 39/

This tool can help you stabilize your response to stress. Slow down. Connect with your body & how it feels. Orient yourself and notice the colors and sounds around you. Pendulate & get in touch with your autonomic nervous system. Engage socially. CHEST2021  40/

Reaching out for help and seeking therapy is super useful and is a sign of STRENGTH. #CHEST2021 41/

Thanks for joining us for this session on such an important topic! #CHEST2021

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