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Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor, Sky News 📺📰🎙️ Tips and stories from Whitehall and the campaign HQs: use secure email

Oct 17, 2021, 5 tweets

Sir David Amess had a stalker during the 2017 general election campaign.

Why his story reveals the vital role police play in securing MPs’ safety

My analysis for @SkyNews @ 10

Sir David Amess revealed the story of the stalker in the Commons chamber in 2019. Here’s what he said

There have been so many stories of MPs upset with the police for failing to take their stories of threats and harassment seriously

They go into more detail with us off the record, since they don’t want to fuel the flames or get into a public row with police

Here’s one:

Priti Patel is concerned about the “postcode lottery” of MPs safety, I understand

What happens next with MPs safety?

My @SkyNews @ 10 live

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