Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

Oct 17, 2021, 25 tweets

Let’s do this!!! #MedTwilight

Don’t forget to follow the other threads!

He’s rich and really old, Bella! Get your gold digger on and say YES! #MedTwilight

Okay, Eddie, this whole sabotaging her truck so she doesn’t see her friend thing is more than a little pathologic. 🚩

Hahaha “how many times are we gonna graduate high school?” Hahaha

This exchange 🤣🤣🤣

And my night gets better… #MedTwilight

Okay the doctor in me cringes when he takes off on the motorbike without a helmet. #MedTwilight

I love how disgusted Jacob is with the idea of imprinting, but he what he describes is how he acts about Bella. #MedTwilight

I ❤️❤️❤️ Seth. #MedTwilight

I actually real enjoyed the short book about Bree Tanner. I wish we saw more of her. #MedTwilight

I really hate this. I’ve been there and it’s so hard to say no, but then the guy ARGUES!!! 😩

Charlie’s face during this exchange… 🤣🤣🤣 #MedTwilight

The theatrics… and now I love Rosalie. 🤣 #MedTwilight

Cutest fight ever #MedTwilight

How come Jasper gets so much hotter when he whips out the cowboy drawl?

Okay, but did he just pressure her into this with his whole “I’m gonna do die because you don’t love me” thing? That makes me really mad. So manipulative.

We don’t get nearly enough Esme in this movie. #MedTwilight

See, Eddie?!? If she wasn’t friends with Wolf-boy she wouldn’t have known the little trick that saved your undead life. Jealously doesn’t serve you!

Poor Bree. 😢

This is almost sweet. #MedTwilight

It only took her a whole movie to say yes! #MedTwilight

And that’s a wrap! Just Breaking Dawn parts 1&2 left! Thanks for joining @Dr_Jaded, @IEMcElroy, @ClinicalPearl and I for the ride! #MedTwilight

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