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Roving journalist, friend to all dogs mtracey@protonmail.com

Oct 18, 2021, 8 tweets

Tom Morello: “Fight The Power” By Subscribing To My New York Times Newsletter


The grim trajectory of an aging activist Radical Rocker

I am so owned for hypocrisy! I’ve definitely spent decades branding myself as the most Radical of all Radical Activists, only to then join forces with the pinnacle of establishment media... Substack

An emailer points out that Morello formed a group called "Prophets of Rage" in 2016 to provide "the soundtrack of Resistance," and sold items such as the "Resistance Party Pack" which included branded "protester" paraphernalia. This guy is a master at commoditizing phony dissent

I hadn't been familiar with "Prophets of Rage" but the word "cringe" was invented for it. One of the dopey songs seems to posit that Trump was a Hitler/KKK frontman for Mike Pence

I'm also informed that @tmorello's new gig at the New York Times happens to coincide with the release of his new album. Radically savvy marketing tactics as always, Tom!

Why legacy radicals like Tom Morello refuse to change with the times


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