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Oct 18, 2021, 8 tweets

BREAKING: Colin Powell, former US secretary of State, dies of COVID

Colin Powell, the first Black US secretary of state, has died due to complications from COVID-19, his family said

In 2003 Colin Powell made the Bush administration’s case to the UN Security Council that Saddam Hussein constituted an imminent danger to the world.

Powell later admitted that the UN presentation was rife with inaccuracies and twisted intelligence ⤵️

"We can't talk about Colin Powell without talking about his legacy as [US] secretary of state and the Iraq war of 2003.”

Al Jazeera's @KamahlAJE spoke to former US Assistant Secretary of State P J Crowley about Powell’s legacy ⤵️

@KamahlAJE “What we are giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence,” Colin Powell told the UN Security Council.

But it was not true.

The underlying intelligence was false and for Powell it proved to be an enduring stain on his record ⤵️

@KamahlAJE US President Joe Biden says Powell, 'embodied the highest ideals of both warrior and diplomat'

@KamahlAJE Powell was the first Black US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretary of state.

— in pictures

@KamahlAJE “He lied, lied and lied.”

Iraqis blame Colin Powell for role in invasion on Iraq

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