Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. He/him.

Oct 18, 2021, 7 tweets

The notion Boris Johnson invited Nimco Ali for Christmas so she could provide childcare is as absurd as the notion Dominic Cummings drove to Barnard Castle to test his eyesight.

The truth is, they don't believe the law really applies to people like them.

You can read the guidance as it then existed here. Note how it is absolutely explicit: you can't use a childcare bubble as an excuse to have your mates around for Christmas.…

This is the legislation that created so-called childcare bubbles. You will see the bubble has to be "for the purpose of the second household providing informal childcare."…

Why would Boris Johnson and his wife need informal childcare for a period when they were at home? Why would they need it over Christmas - but not when they were working?

It's kind of offensive to be asked to swallow this nonsense.

The criminal offence is one of leaving home with a reasonable excuse - so (assuming my analysis is right) it will have been committed by Nimco Ali (… and…).

That would provide the explanation for this excuse in the Mirror (…): ie 'we didn't break the law we merely invited our friend to.'

NB There were multiple reports that Carrie Johnson's mother was looking after the baby which maks the notion that Nimco Ali came round for Christmas "for the purpose of providing informal childcare" even more ridiculous.……

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