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NBC News reporter. Mostly on Bluesky. SEDITION HUNTERS was one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62

Oct 18, 2021, 15 tweets

Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of D.C. has stayed the order of a federal magistrate judge in New York, who said that Jan. 6 defednant Cody Mattice (aka #FenceSnatcher #CodyFromRochester) could go home until trial. He was caught spraying officers and ripping away a fence.

Here’s our coverage of the arrest of Cody Mattice and his buddy James Mault:…

Down in North Carolina, a federal magistrate judge ordered James Mault detained.

Why was he in North Carolina? Because he lost his civilian job because of his actions on Jan. 6, but was allowed to reenlist in the U.S. Army.


In their filing today seeking Cody Mattice’s detention, the feds say that when they interviewed James Mault in January that "agents had not yet discovered evidence that Mault used chemical spray against officers.”

The filing in the Mattice case today contains a shoutout to the "citizen sleuths" who identified #FlagGaiterCopHater.

He had nine months, and this was the best lie that Cody Mattice could come up with: That he was actually pepper spraying other rioters.

They found Cody Mattice’s Trump gear, but not the helmet. Turned out he borrowed that from James Mault’s dad, who drove them to D.C.

Last week, Cody Mattice‘s aunt Rebecca Evert told reporters that her nephew was “a great person.”

Welp, in text messages to “Becca Aunt,” Mattice wrote that he “fought off like 4 or 5 cops and stand fucking victorious.”

“Awesomeness!” the aunt replied.

“Never been fuck8n better bro me and james got everyone to push through the police, me and
james fought through the police line on the door step of Capitol hill lmao.”

“it was dope me and james had everyone hyped bro even the proud boys were thanking us, legit bro it feels like a fuckin movie.”…

“It’s a march on Capitol Hill. Nobody’s happy, no one’s satisfied. Time to fuck shit up… we’re taking this shit.”

James Mault to cops on Jan. 6: “Your jobs will be here when you come back after we kick the shit out of [inaudible]… What we’re doing is right, or there wouldn’t be this many fucking people here. And you guys fucking know this shit.”…

"the needs of his children... did not stop him from helping other rioters breach police barricades, did not stop him from climbing over other rioters so he could reach the tunnel in the Lower West Terrace, and did not stop him from using pepper spray against officers there.”

DOJ: "the risk of future violence is fueled by a segment of the population that seems intent on lionizing the January 6 rioters and treating them as political prisoners, heroes, or martyrs instead of what they are: criminals.”

Here’s @kyledcheney on that “lionizing” line from DOJ:…

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