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FR : @LaScienceDAbord Together against misinformation. #ScienceUpFirst / #LaSciencedAbord

Oct 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Did you know that not all scientific evidence is equal? šŸ¤”

The more the study is influenced by the expert, the higher the risk of bias.

Check out this thread for an explanation of the hierarchy of evidence šŸ”ŗ

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Studies with a low risk of bias āœ…:
1. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
2. Randomized controlled trials

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Studies with a moderate risk of bias šŸ¤”:

3. Cohort studies
4. Case control studies

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Studies with a high risk of bias ā—:

5. Case series and reports
6. Editorials and expert opinions

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Preprints have been used more frequently since the beginning of the pandemic. They provide data more quickly, but should not replace fully reviewed and accepted papers. āš ļø

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Not all evidence is equal! Knowing the hierarchy of evidence can help you identify how reliable sources are.

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