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#지민: β€œKnow that the pain will pass. And when it does, you'll be stronger” β™‘ β˜”Still with you enthusiastβ˜”

Oct 18, 2021, 39 tweets

Blonde Jungkook ; A thread (I couldn't control myself)😩

I don't think I can recover from this jungkook 😭

Blonde Jungkook hits different

I really want blonde jungkook back😭

Jungkook's angelic voice 😭

Jungkook's cute giggles 😭

blonde Jungkook is so handsome! I'm losing myself

blonde Jungkook singing ON bridge lives in my head rent free

he's so pretty 😭

y'all moved on from this Jungkook way too fast

Jungkook is so pretty in blonde 😭

Sir? πŸ₯΅

I'm so in love with jungkook 😭

blonde jungkook in a suit , so handsome 😭

prettiest selcas 😭

Thread ends here πŸ’—

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