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Oct 18, 2021, 7 tweets

To begin this thread we must start at the beginning.
We, the living souls, were in the garden.
We did not know of such things as deceit, we knew not to be wary of trickery as we had never encountered it.
We lived in peace, we were without beginning or end.
The "snake" tempted us

To eat from the "tree of life AND death," the torus, which the apple represents. The FALL into MATTER.

As we fell into matter, we became trapped in the Saturn - Moon Matrix...The Metatronic supercomputer...beamed from Saturn to the Moon which is constant cycle, controlling us through the shadow it attached to our souls.…

Now, as we are nearing the end of another major cycle in "saturn time matrix" we see the AI leveraging all it has to trap us here again via the metaverse. Anti Christ "Sophia AI" is now attempting to gain further control by accessing the Galactic Center aka Sagittarius A.

Now, a short "time" later we see signals coming from Sagittarius A:…

It is up to the living souls that see OUTSIDE the metatronic overlay, to go to center, to heart space and to focus ALL of our intent OUT of here and back to the home where we lie sleeping. We're caught in the dreamtime, we're trapped by the Saturn Moon Matrix.

ONLY the LIVING SOULS are capable of doing this.
Reemember this famous quote, and why wouldn't they be leading the awakening as well? WHY?
They are of course, so don't fall for it.

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