Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

Oct 18, 2021, 22 tweets

Next for some tweet-ucation is "Critical Care Year In Review 2"! #CHEST2021 1/

Dr. Robert Hyzy (@bhyzy) talks about "What's New in Mechanical Ventilation". #CHEST2021 2/

This trial showed that stylet use improved the success of the first attempt at intubation. #CHEST2021 3/

This study looked at the use of NIV for asthma and found a lower odds of MV and mortality, but higher rates of having pneumonia and severe sepsis in those who needed intubation. #CHEST2021 4/

This RCT looked at whether there was a benefit to 8 of PEEP in patients with non-ARDS. Low PEEP was non-inferior to higher PEEP. There's no harm but also no benefit. #CHEST2021 5/

This study showed a shorter ICU LOS for patients who received Dexmedetomidine. #CHEST2021 6/

This meta-analysis confirmed a good specificity but low sensitivity of the cuff leak test. #CHEST2021 7/

This study looked at t-tube vs resistive loading in trach patients and found that resistive loading had more patients weaned and a lower ICU mortality. #CHEST2021 8/

This meta-analysis found that HFNC post-ecrubation reduces reintubation rates compared with conventional O2 therapy, but not NIV. #CHEST2021 9/

This meta-analysis showed a favorable trend with ECMO except in patients with 3 or more organ failures. #CHEST2021 10/

Other 2021 studies worth reviewing #CHEST2021 11/

Next is Dr. Curtis Sessler talks about "Non-Pulmonary Critical Care." #CHEST2021 12/

This RCT compared Propofol and Precedex in patients with sepsis for sedation. No difference in outcomes. #CHEST2021 13/

This study looked at the use of Baclofen in agitated patients with unhealthy alcohol use. More days on the vent and in the ICU in the Baclofen group. #CHEST2021 14/

This study evaluated balanced solution vs normal saline in mortality in critically ill patients. Slightly higher SOFA and eurologic scores, but no meaningful improvement in outcomes. NS was actually better for TBI patients. #CHEST2021 15/

They evaluated faster vs slower IV bolus rates and found no difference in mortality or secondary outcomes. #CHEST2021 16/

This study found that in critically ill TBI patients those with positive fluid balance did worse (but they also may have been sicker at baseline). #CHEST2021 17/

This was an evaluation of time-limited trials of therapy in critically ill patients with advanced medical illnesses. It found that the time-limited trials were associated with improved quality of family meetings & a reduced intensity and duration of ICU treatments. #CHEST2021 18/

Time-limited trials (continued) #CHEST2021 19/

This study found that work-life integration was lower in women, single physicians, those 35 and older, and those that work more hours and call nights. #CHEST2021 20/

Work-life integration, continued #CHEST2021  21/

OOOOO this is exciting! He featured one of our articles!!! We found that about 1/3 of PCCM fellows had burnout, and assessed factors with an increased risk for burnout and depression! #CHEST2021 22/22

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