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Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees.

Oct 18, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ The Harmony ONE World conference is finally here!

The session began with a packed house (following the protocols of course) 😁

The event celebrated the #Harmonycommunity and discussed how to build a better future for the community 💙

Here’s what happened! 👇

2/ The inaugural session featured a fireside chat with @duartedao from the @TheDAOist_ on “Scaling DAOs”, where he talked about how DAOs tackle the problem of governance, and how to scale them.

The session was moderated by @samanthawyap from Yap Global @YAPGlobalTeam. 💬💬

3/The next session on “Future of Finance: Stake DAO, Curve, Rekt” featured Julien Bouteloup (@bneiluj) from Stake DAO (@StakeDAOHQ).

The session was moderated by Li Jiang (@lijiang2087) 💙 from @harmonyprotocol. 💳💳

4/ Stephen Tse (@stse), founder — harmonyprotocol, spoke on “Harmony: 100 DAOs and ONE.country” ❤️❤️

5/ Rob Silva (@robsjre) from Pods Finance (@PodsFinance) talked about the journey of his startup, “Pods: From Hackathon to Launch”. 🎯🎯

6/ Next, William Starr from Timeless (@TimelessDAO) shared his thoughts on the collaboration of “Timeless On Harmony” and how it can tokenize unique events and experiences by merging NFTs with some of the biggest events of the summer. 🎟️🎟️

7/ Concluding the conference was Jacques Xu from @RampNetwork, where he talked about “Harmony One - Rise of Blockchain Gaming”. 🎮🎮

8/ The participants end the night with a groovy session with @Djone and lots of drinks & games.

EveryONE party HARD 🥳🥳

Stay tuned for more! 💙

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