Authentic #blackconservatism has always had the fundamental and explicit goal of opposing white supremacy. — Kareim Oliphant #BlackConservative

Oct 18, 2021, 14 tweets

Let's NOT be politically correct about this thing; More than likely an #unvaccinated person killed Colin Powell!

If they intentionally chose not to get vaccinated knowing the consequences: Well, isn't that murder? Of course.

A big man who won big wars succumbs to a tiny virus.

An important article:

" Therefore, the real crisis isn’t medical — *it is behavioral*. The real crisis is widespread lawlessness and criminality concentrated in a political party wrapping itself in “freedom” and the American flag."

Didn’t you know that “law & order” is for “The Blacks”... for the Central Park 5, for the “illegals” Mexicans!

But when - THEY - violate “law and order” they call it a violation of their freedoms, claim it’s a witch-hunt --- it’s the "deep-state”.

Lex et ordo, lex et ordo.

Let us have Law and Order!

"Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress."

A law that saves life IS just; And, the men that recklessly undermine such a just law are dangerous.

Where’s The March For Life -- March For Vaccinations?

The same people who want to ban pot, #CriticalRaceTheory, ban gay marriage, abortion, who wanna teach "both sides of the Holocaust"— are some the same people who are opposed to mandating vaccinations.

Reckless hypocrisy!

Lex et ordo, lex et ordo.

Let us have Law and Order!

Lock 'em up!

Well, Bob originally supported the law. But he supported it because it was being applied to just the negroes. But, now, that it is being applied to his own family him, white wife, white children — Bob is distraught.

He's absolutely opposed to it.

Ten cuidado, ten cuidado, (be careful, be careful) what you agitate for ...

Lex et ordo, lex et ordo.

Let us have Law and Order!

Trump tried to blame Black Lives Matter protests for the coronavirus surge. Data doesn’t support his claim. - The Washington Post…

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