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Financially-free investors. Helped 2,000+ investors repair & build resilient portfolios. Invest smarter not harder. Co-founded by Zee & @thehowietan

Oct 19, 2021, 11 tweets

The #1 secret to improve your investing returns?

Research your companies well.

Here's 5 simple tools I use to research companies in depth:

(with screenshots of how I personally use each one)

Tool 1: Pocket

I use this to highlight earnings transcripts and articles on my phone.

Allows me to research companies even when I'm on the go.

I then extract these highlights afterwards and summarize them.

Here's an example of an interview with Fiverr CEO Micha Kaufman.

Tool 2: Otter

I use Otter to transcribe CEO interviews and videos.

Why not just listen to them?

Because I read faster than I listen. So it saves me time.

Here's my trick: I transcribe these videos beforehand.

Then I read the transcripts when I'm on the public commute to work

Tool 3: Google docs

I type all my company analysis in a classic google doc.

I like it because I can create Headings. Which I can quickly jump to in a second.

This is useful as my document gets longer.

Because I don't need to waste time scrolling to find what I need.

Tool 4: Google Drive

I classify all my google docs according to their names in a drive.

I have one folder for all my write-ups.

This helps me access them anytime.

Example of my writeups folder :

4b. I also have another folder for my financial models.

I update these quarterly numbers after each earnings call.

Helps me stay up to date with their latest metrics and valuations.

By now you probably can tell...

I love organization and structure :)

5. @RoamResearch

I am going to get laughed at.

Because I am using less than 1% of Roam's full functions.

I use it mainly so I can see the notes side by side when I write.

So I have my highlights (extracted from pocket) on one side.

And my actual writing on the other.

5b. Why do I do this?

So I can see everything in one screen.

Yes, I know I can do this with a bigger monitor or 2 screens.

But I'm a minimalist.

I hate clutter and hardware. I love working on my laptop.

So I'd much rather get Roam as I can use this function anywhere.

* A request from me:

Please note I will NOT entertain questions about the individual stocks shown above.

Firstly, I don't buy everything I research.

Most importantly...

I have a rule where I don't talk about my positions in public.

To protect myself from commitment bias.

That's my tech stack.

You don't have to buy expensive software that costs thousands.

I've been using these 5 simple tools for some time now.

They've made me a better researcher.

And also improved my portfolio returns.

1. Pocket
2. Otter
3. Google docs
4. Drive
5. Roam

If you found this useful, follow me here at @heymaxkoh

I tweet about how I attained financial freedom before age 30...

By investing in great businesses.

Also check out these top 20 lessons from Fintwit that helped me multiply my 6 figure portfolio:

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