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Oct 19, 2021, 9 tweets

❄️An alien world under Austria's doomed glaciers tells the tale of their collapse.

The glaciers of the eastern Alps have past the point of no return and cannot be saved from melting, according to scientists.

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Scientists are venturing inside otherworldly ice caves growing beneath Austria's doomed glaciers to study why they are melting even faster than expected

📸Lisi Niesner/Reuters

They are also trying to understand the fate that will befall glaciers elsewhere if climate change is not halted

⚫️It is already too late to save the glaciers of the eastern Alps, which scientists now say are past the point of no return and will be gone completely in the next few decades

📸Lisi Niesner/Reuters

❄️The eerie blue caverns beneath them hold clues as to how the ice - which built up over millennia and melted over decades - collapsed far faster than expected

📸Lisi Niesner/Reuters

➡️That could help communities that depend on glaciers in other parts of the world to better manage their decline

📸Lisi Niesner/Reuters

🗣️"We can't do anything anymore for eastern Alpine glaciers. But here we can see what happens if we do nothing for the other glaciers," said glaciologist Andrea Fischer

🇦🇹The Jamtalferner is among Austria's 30 largest glaciers and one of 10 where scientists take very precise measurements annually, documenting the now irreversible decline

🔎Read the full report here ⬇️…

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