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Oct 20, 2021, 18 tweets

#yumark #yumarkau where mark thinks it’s the funniest thing calling yuta oppa but what happens when yuta snaps?

this will be nsfw and short btw. and yes this is because yuta is marks official oppa 😌

i’ll start this tomorrow so be prepared owo

001. sorry bro…

002. the beginning

003. thigh grabs

004. *inhuman screeching*

005. mark…

006. choco nippies

007. rude af mark smh

008. titties

009. 🔞 how about this one?

010. mans lost it

011. personally i think yuta could’ve done a bit better with his fit. for some reason he has this big banana in his pocket when he took it.

012. doors unlocked oppa~

013. when i said short i meant it lmao

014. smh we get it

it’s done? so idk leave smth? or not lol…

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