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Oct 20, 2021, 12 tweets

🧵Seminary Thread🧵
Once upon a time I attended a conservative White Evangelical seminary, @WestminsterTS.

I have asked to be removed from mailings. No luck.

Their most recent offering is a toxically amusing opportunity to reflect on White conservative culture. Let's go! 1/12

The general theme of this thread about @WestminsterTS and White conservative patriarchy is "Tell me about yourself without telling me."

They start off quite strong with a conspicuously all-male TOC for a magazine about "Looking Ahead to Westminster's Future." Dang straight! 2/12

What about these contributions? Well Peter Lillback, @WestminsterTS President and founder of the explicitly #WhiteChristianNationalist @TheProvForum, wants more $$ even though, "by His grace" they've raised $33 million for his cathedral of polemical patriarchy. 3/12

The magazine continues telling us about the Future of @WestminsterTS with a contribution by David Garner, who like Lillback and a bunch of other faculty, is a dude and has his PhD from ... wait for it ... @WestminsterTS. 4/12

And while we're talking about the @WestminsterTS faculty, let's check on the magazine's Faculty News and Update page. Are we sensing a theme? 5/12

Perhaps my favorite section is an interview with "Dr. [DMin, btw] Harry Reeder III of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama."

Apparently the following action by the church Reeder pastors doesn't clash enough with @WestminsterTS vision? 6/12 npr.org/2019/06/20/734…

The magazine is sure to include a picture of Reeder chatting with Garner. There's some great @WestminsterTS energy here! 7/12

...and we're not done with this "two old dudes chatting" @WestminsterTS energy. Some really A+ work here in "Looking Ahead to Westminster's Future." 8/12

Still no contributions from women. But the magazine's editors did find SEVEN pages to feature an address from 55 years ago by one of @WestminsterTS's many White male presidents! 9/12

Oh cool. On the last page we finally get a contribution from a woman. It's a poem. And unlike every other contributor, Whitney Rivera is not pictured.

Serious voice: this is a fantastic representation of how conservative culture in the US does "inclusion of women." 10/12

For a final sense of @WestminsterTS consistency, let's check out how they addressed the envelope.

Aside from the patriarchy, I guess any resident will work for them? It's also Dr. Young, but nevermind that. 11/12

A friend once quipped that WTS slogan should be: "@WestminsterTS: Preparing Tomorrow's Pastor's for Yesterday."

But as with all White Conservative historical imagination, it's a "yesterday" that erases everyone else and authorizes only them. Same vision for the future! 12/12

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