Marko Denic Profile picture
Software engineer.

Oct 20, 2021, 18 tweets

CSS tips you won't see in most tutorials.


1. When you work with transparent images you can use the `drop-shadow()` filter function to create a shadow on the image's content, instead of `box-shadow` property which creates a rectangular shadow behind an element's entire box:

filter: drop-shadow(2px 4px 8px #585858);

2. Center anything

Easily center anything, horizontally and vertically, with 3 lines of CSS:

3. Smooth scrolling

Smooth scrolling with zero JavaScript, with just one line of CSS.

4. Typing Effect

Did you know that you can create a typing effect with zero JavaScript?

Demo and code:…

5. Create beautiful gradient text:

6. `caret-color`

You can change the color of the text input cursor.

7. CSS Scroll Snap

You can use the CSS Scroll Snap feature to create well-controlled scroll experiences:

8. Cursors

Did you know that you can use your own image, or even emoji as a cursor?

9. Truncate text

Truncate text with plain CSS.

10. The `::selection` CSS pseudo-element

The `::selection` CSS pseudo-element applies styles to the part of a document that has been highlighted by the user (such as clicking and dragging the mouse across text).

11. Use the `inset` CSS property as a shorthand for `top`, `right`, `bottom`, `left`:

12. Anything resizable

Did you know that you can make any element resizable, just like `<textarea>`?

13. Use the `gap` CSS property to set the gaps (gutters) between rows and columns.

14. Use the `background-clip` property to create beautiful headlines.

15. Dynamic Tooltips

Create dynamic CSS-only tooltips, using the `attr()` CSS function.

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