Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

Oct 20, 2021, 45 tweets

Next up for #CHEST2021 is "Controversies for Diagnosis and Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism"! 1/

Dr. Bhavin Dalal (@Bhavinddalal) will speak on "Patient with intermediate risk PE should go for thrombolysis: True/False". #CHEST2021 2/

Risk stratification of PEs #CHEST2021 3/

The PEITHO trial looks at submissive PEs and Heparin alone or with TPA. No difference in mortality, but a higher risk of bleeding with TPA, #CHEST2021 4/

The meta-analysis does not support the use of TPA in general. #CHEST2021 5/

A higher sPESI at 48 hours is associated with higher mortality. #CHEST2021 6/

Thrombolysis should be considered for patients with PTE who deteriorate. #CHEST2021 7/

This meta-analysis showed a benefit of thrombolysis in intermediate risk PE, but a NNT of 59. #CHEST2021 8/

The Fasullo trial was the only one in the meta-analysis that has significant findings, and their study had a higher mortality rate. #CHEST2021 9/

Patients with proximal DVTs have higher mortality rates. #CHEST2021 10/

Patient selection is key. #CHEST2021 11/

These are the 5 Ds to consider in patient selection for thrombolysis. #CHEST2021 12/

Dr. Parth Rali (@ParthRali) will speak on "Patients with intermediate or high-risk PE should go for catheter-directed therapies: True/False". #CHEST2021 13/

PE classifications #CHEST2021 14/

ESC PE classification breaks down the intermediate-risk PEs in to low- and high-risk. #CHEST2021 15/

Prevalence of submassive PEs #CHEST2021 16/

Submassive PE mortality #CHEST2021 17/

Current risk stratification tools are not ideal. #CHEST2021 18/

Additional risk stratification markers #CHEST2021 19/

There are several available catheter-directed therapies including suction thrombectomies, ultrasound-accelerated thrombolysis (EKOS), and catheter-directed pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis. #CHEST2021 20/

Logistical and practical questions for catheter-directed therapies #CHEST2021 21/

What are your goals and expectations for catheter-directed therapies? #CHEST2021 22/

Conclusions #CHEST2021 23/

Dr. Victor Test (@redraiderpulmcc) will talk on "Patients with high-risk PE should undergo IVC filter: True/False". (Slide issue for beginning of this presentation but I caught what I could type.) #CHEST2021 24/

There is a mortality benefit to filters in patients who are unstable. #CHEST2021 25/

Lower OR of death from PE with IVF filter placement.  #CHEST2021 26/

This study showed a lower risk of PE-related death with IVC filter.  #CHEST2021 27/

Filter placement in the first 48 hours with an unstable PE had a decreased mortality.  #CHEST2021 28/

The best treatment is prevention. Let's focus on preventing rather than responding to the life-threatening embolism. 29/

Dr. Vijay Balasubramanian will talk on "Patients presented with syncope should undergo CTPA protocol: True/False". #CHEST2021 30/

VTE-PE Epidemiology. Rates are increasing, but mortality is decreasing.  #CHEST2021 31/

CTA is the gold standard for PE diagnosis.  #CHEST2021 32/

Fatal pulmonary embolisms are often a missed diagnosis.  #CHEST2021 33/

This study illustrated the overuse of CTPE.  #CHEST2021 34/

Syncope definition and causes  #CHEST2021 35/

Causes of syncope  #CHEST2021 36/

How common is PE as the cause for syncope?  #CHEST2021 37/

How common is syncope as a manifestation of PE?  #CHEST2021 38/

Pathomechanisms of syncope in PE  #CHEST2021 39/

Cardiac syncope is associated with a lower survival.  #CHEST2021 40/

This study found a large prevalence of PE in patients with syncope.  #CHEST2021 41/

This study also evaluated the prevalence of PE but only found it in 1.4% of patients with syncope.  #CHEST2021 42/

How do we reconcile these different findings?  #CHEST2021 43/

This article concluded that the reality probably lies somewhere in between.  #CHEST2021 44/

So does everyone with syncope need a CTPA? Only if other factors raise their pre-test probability.  #CHEST2021 45/45

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