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NBC News reporter. Mostly on Bluesky. SEDITION HUNTERS was one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62

Oct 20, 2021, 11 tweets

Police were so overwhelmed on Jan. 6 that they couldn’t make arrests.

But after Robert Wayne Dennis assaulted police, they got his name, address, social security number, and checked his ID. They told him they’d apply for a warrant later. He was arrested in Texas.

"your Affiant observed DENNIS charging MPD Officer J.S., and DENNIS is shown grabbing another MPD Officer's baton with both hands. DENNIS then struggles violently with MPD Officer J.S. and takes him to the ground.”

Robert Wayne Dennis was known to sleuths as #UnholyGoalie.

Cops released him "so that he could seek medical treatment that officers were unable to provide due to the ongoing riot.”

They had his name, SSN, and address, but he still ended up on a MPD “Persons of Interest” slide.

At some point in the past 9+ months, Robert Wayne Dennis probably thought for a fleeting moment that he’d gotten away with it. He had not.…

Here’s MPD getting Robert Dennis’ info before releasing him to seek medical care.

Some similarities here to the case against Nicholas James Brockhoff, who also gave police his name on camera after he assaulted them:…

Here’s MPD releasing Robert Dennis (aka #UnholyGoalie) so he could seek medical care after he assaulted police officers on Jan. 6. MPD got his info and the FBI eventually arrested him, but he had nine months of freedom that people who assault police officers don’t typically get.

Thanks to the tipster who passed that one along. My DMs are open, Signal in bio.

“If y’all were doing the right thing, then y’all would be letting us through to do what we need to do.” — yet another delusional member of the Jan. 6 crowd

Police also released the other Trump supporter captured on video there, Mark Ponder. He’s a D.C. resident, and he returned to the Capitol grounds after he was released on Jan. 6. It took authorities about two months to rearrest him for his conduct.

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