mrspanstreppon Profile picture
"Liar!" retorted Hyacinth, with the directness of speech that is not merely excusable, but almost obligatory, in the political profession..."

Oct 21, 2021, 8 tweets

Doing an early morning cruise around the Ginni Thomas archives. She seems so nice in this May 2010 video about her short lived not-for-profit, Liberty Central, Inc...

...Liberty Central's biggest haul was $951k in 2010. W Leonard Leo & Matt Schlapp on the board, no one should be surprised $389k of the $1.4M in expenses was lumped in "Other"....

...In 2010, Ginni Thomas & staff were featured on the Liberty Central website. In 2011, her bio was replaced by that of LC president, Gary Aldrich which recounted the Greatest Clinton Hits of the '90s including the pornographic Christmas tree in the Blue Room (new one on me)... is not much of a website but I'm throwing it in for the heck of it....

...On Oct 6 2021, Ginni Thomas renewed the registration for her consulting firm, Liberty Consulting Inc. w the VA SoS . You have to wonder how many dollars for consulting fees lumped in "other" on 990s filed by certain NFPs were paid to Liberty Consulting....

...Ginni Thomas' entry in the April 2020 Council For National Policy (CNP) directory....

...This June 2019 Intercept story about Ginni Thomas by @lhfang & @NickSurgey has lots of fun facts. For one, she carries a concealed weapon & is ready for "what's coming". (Ha! When her husband overturns gun regulations, I'm getting one too)...…

...Ending this thread w two of the last posts on Ginni Thomas' FB page before she took the account down. One was posted on January 1 2021 in the early morning. Happy New Year to you too, Ginni!

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