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Oct 21, 2021, 12 tweets

🇨🇳 Over the weekend, it emerged that in August the Chinese military secretly launched a hypersonic missile into space

"The recent test is a reminder that any future war between great powers will look very different to the last," writes @nickallen789…

🇺🇸The US could face catastrophic defeat by China or Russia in a hypersonic Third World War.

How much do you know about the hypersonic arms race? ⬇️…

⏩Hypersonic means travelling faster than the speed of sound, meaning there would be little time to react…

But, by at least how many times faster?

It's five!

🔊 Hypersonic means travelling above Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound

⏩Unlike a ballistic missile Hypersonic Glide Vehicles are extremely manoeuvrable, allowing them to evade tracking and defences

🇨🇳China's DF-17 hypersonic missile can travel at 10 times the speed of sound (Mach 10) and carry a nuclear warhead

🇷🇺 But the Kremlin's pride and joy, the Avangard hypersonic missile, has reached a staggering Mach 27

❓How far did the Avangard missile travel when it was tested in December 2018?

It's 4000 miles.

🏙️ The missile can also carry a two-megaton nuclear warhead, enough to wipe out a city…

🇺🇸It's fair to say there is some paranoia at the Pentagon about America's current predicament.

The US is now pouring money into hypersonic development in a bid to keep up…

❓But just how much?

💸It's $1 billion a year

The US expects to have its own hypersonic weapons in the 2020s, and hypersonic drones in the 2030s

🛰️In addition, the US is prioritising a huge defensive measure, with a plan to put a a "mega-constellation" of potentially hundreds of satellites into space to monitor hypersonic missiles

Read the full report from @nickallen789 ⬇️…

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