cosmo 📌 johnjae au Profile picture
minors dni! | FREE PALESTINE 🍉🇵🇸 |used to be himbosuhi | carrd has link to au masterlist ♡

Oct 21, 2021, 239 tweets

#dotaeau #dotae au where taeyong is head cheerleader who constantly makes fun of nerd doyoung but what happens when he finds out that maybe dy isn’t that much of a nerd after all?


doyoung; nerd? kind of a pushover

taeyong; head cheerleader, always forcing dy to do stuff for him n making fun of him

dys “nerd” friends

yangyang; multilingual major, supreme brat

kun; lit major, always can be found reading a book, works at the library on weekends

tys friends

hyuck; chaotic, cheerleader, hates hw always seen trying to convince a “nerd” to do it for him, fake tsundere, teachers love him

xiaojun; loud, assistant head cheerleader, student gov treasurer, secretly dating someone 👀


other members will be side characters not really focused on but they’ll be there!! also this au will be nsfw but i’ll warn for any explicit pics!

this is gonna be p kink focused nothing too hard tho so if you don’t like that look away? there’s gonna be bullying and there will also be use of blackmail. also some written bits mixed in as well!!

i’ll be starting this tomorrow so look forward to it!

001. no fightin! shakira shakira. sorry

i’ve decided i’m gonna warn for nsfw pics by being annoying and saying 🚨 WEE WOO WEE WOO 🚨 so if you see that that’s what’s going on

002. sigh. poor kun

003. dy goes to the game cause he’s a masochist or whatever

004. wildin

005. chess is code for kink. i guess i play a lot of chess then sheesh

006. no classes. no rat. nirvana.

007. random twitter user w thanos pfp helps out local twink boy

008. when i said nsfw i meant it this is some of the most tame stuff rn tho

small update starting out because the next ones are just batshit insane so imma ease you into it. lemme know what you thought so far uwu…

so i forgot to add this!! (if you alr saw me post this I DID NOT FORGET TO ADD AN OPTION) but you need to pick someone owo

009. getting to the meatsies

010. conditions

011. i live for ty calling dy a rat

012. a few days later or smth

013. mooch hendery we love to see it

014. dejun is being held captive but not really

015. dy suffering at the hands of yangyang is beautiful. also mention of watersports

016. yangyang gonna expose dy

017. uh oh

our first written portion. sigh. please ignore how bad it is but it’s needed to drive the plot forward.

“dear god why is that *rat* here?” taeyong huffed rolling his eyes with his hands on his hips.

“i have no idea but seems like the whole loser squads present.” donghyuck filed at his nails not even looking up as dejun awkwardly laughed beside him.

“isn’t that a lil harsh hyung? like they’re not really losers.” dejun laughed rubbing at his sides.

“what has been up with you lately? like it was fine when you said we should study more cause i thought it was friendly concern. but now you’re telling me they’re not actually-

losers? please dejun.” hyuck nodded along pointing his manicured nail at dejun.

“ugh i can’t stand looking at them. i’m gonna go tell them to leave.” taeyong pulled his safety shorts down bouncing on the balls of his feet.

“oh god really hyung? you’re gonna get sick being near them or maybe you’ll want to study more often oh no!” they all laughed along with hyucks joke.

taeyong approached dongyoung and his friends where they were sat on the bleachers. “you three need to get the fuck out of the way.”

dongyoung stood up sighing pushing his glasses up. “we’re not even close to being in the way so how about you just ignore us hm?”

“you know *dongyoung* i’m getting fucking sick of your attitude. get you and your little worthless bookworm friends out of me and my cheerleaders ways capiche?” taeyong pushed into the others personal space and there they stood chest to chest.

“no i don’t think i’ll do that *taeyong* how about you go bully someone else?” taeyong reached out grabbing at the others bicep pulling him to the locker rooms.

the older pushed him down onto the bench scoffing. “now listen here. if you keep this shit up i’m gonna make sure all that funding to you and your friends stupid little clubs goes away understand?”

“you can’t do that!” dongyoung stood up pushing ty against the lockers behind him

“oh but i fucking can! dejuns my best friend and if i ask him to pull your funding he’ll fucking do it! so get used to it because from today onwards you’re my slave hm?-“ taeyong stalked towards him hands fisted in the front of his cardigan face close to his.

“-and you’re gonna do everything i ask you to like the good boy you are.” he smirked in satisfaction at the look of defeat on the others face turning to leave.

the cheerleader glanced over his shoulder with a finger up to his mouth. “oh yeah tomorrow morning i expect an iced americano thank you!” taeyong blew a kiss over his shoulder skipping his way out of the locker room.

018. pray for dy the man needs it

019. OmO

020. it’s the next day and it’s time for sexting. play cyber sex by doja cat

021. y’all i haven’t sexted while i was actually horny so idk if this will be any good. dear god help me.

022. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 *megaphone voice* that is the head of a penis

023. yes v abrupt ending but IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN

024. dejun really suffering poor guy


026. tiny waisted twink blackmails secret fuckboy dom on today’s news!

027. hyuck needa get a job or smth

028. brat mindset LESGOOOOO

029. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 THATS A FUCKIN PENIS

ending this on a dick pic feels weird *puts hands on waist*…

030. americano

031. watch him

032. days pass w this cycle of americano and sexting

033. more sexting

034. ty is sus

035. even more sexting

036. yeah who is that ty 👀

037. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 that’s a penis right there

038. kun sexy kun hot spread the word

039. why did it yangyang

040. commanding his slave

uh that’s all? there will be some angst in the next update but it’s chill…

041. a little jealousy *insert shit ass romanization*

042. hurts so much

042.1. pretend he never tweeted these

043. we going stereotypical ignore my problems because it’s a good option ofc (this is a joke). this is also one of the only times timestamps matter

044. hate it

045. no astronomy club in absolute shambles how could he do this to me omg jeno eye smile w dog

045.1. pretend he never tweeted these (1)

046. random twt user need to read the fuckin room also jaehyun to the rescue!!

047. and ty spills everything but i’m not about to write that out /:

047.1. pretend he never tweeted these (2)

048. dejun got brain damage

049. did you really think ty would tell the truth so nothing like this ever happens in the future? if you did you’re so wrong of course he’s gonna lie lmfao

050. glorified groupie. play when i grow up by pussycat dolls. it’s not funny lmfao

050.1. pretend he never tweeted these (3)

051. you thought their relationship was getting better? that’s REAL funny

someone mentioned using rat is bad but i’d just like to say it’s a way for me to take it back and also it’s not being used with any real malicious backing behind it.

more so because the opposite of a bunny on the cute scale for me is a rat.

just wanted to explain! and it won’t be used throughout the whole au so don’t worry! i’ll warn for it in the future :D

hm i’m sorry? not really tbh but i’ll act like i am 🥰…

052. who?

053. jealous man

054. this is what ty was talking abt

055. yes other daddy is hot

056. not dy losing his mind

057. ❗️use of rat ❗️poor dy going thru it

we have another written portion ik i’m sorry but it’s needed pls forgive me!

they were sat across from each other at their usual cafe, pink lights illuminated above them. taeyong was sipping away at his americano rambling on about his classes and doyoung just couldn’t take it anymore.

“do you ever shut the fuck up?”

taeyongs eyes grew to the size of saucers as he muttered “what?”

“you asked me that once but honestly it seems like you’re the one incapable of being quiet. all you do is talk and talk and talk like why can’t you just fucking stop?”

“um.” taeyong fiddled with the straw for his drink staring at doyoung.

“shut up! you never shut up! just be fucking quiet for once all you do is make my life shit and i’m sick of it. you need to be put in your place.”

taeyong gaped at him as he went on another tangent shivers running up his spine at finally getting what he wanted.

as doyoung yelled taeyong couldn’t help but smile watching as the little bunny got redder and redder.

058.❗️ use of rat ❗️it’s over for ty poor guy

059. it’s over for ty poor guy. sigh. he’ll be missed

060. hendery just over here eating popcorn

061. ty is asked a hard question

062. ty has acquired another daddy

063. hands around his neck,,,

064. angry kun hot kun

065. ig they do hyuck

uh that’s all? leave smth?…

066. next day

067. later in the day. the man knows…

068. dy reliazashun

069. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨

070. everyone like the twt dy idiot

071. he just don’t stop!

072. meet up?

073. dy in shambles

074. grasping at straws gd

075. ❗️ use of rat ❗️

076. jealous dy needa stop

077. no party party :(

078. jh resident frat boy will not be attending the party i believe he is sick

079. lmao

080. next day again or smth

081. dotae have their not date coffee date. also ❗️ rat ❗️

082. 🙈

083. uh oh jealous dy again

084. kun gives dy a reality check

085. permanent boyfriends

086. cope

087. saturdays here and we’re finally having the meet up uwu

088. 👀

089. and i oop-

090. dy makes a bad decision and decides to check jays acc

091. just forgot their ship name i’m losing my mind

092. now that’s sad

now we have another poll!!! i’m begging you pls get it right i feel like i left enough clues but idk so just hoping now!!

did ty sleep with jaehyun?

that’s all but let’s hope the poll goes well owo…

093. hmm why is he?

094. ty was out all night 👁

095. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 that’s a penis my dude!!

096. hmm ty sus again

097. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 another penis!!! next morning or whatever

098. super sus ty

099. pretend he didn’t tweet this (4)


101. doie cute doie sexy doie nerd

102. OmO

this update is rlly short sorry! but tomorrows update is gonna be p big for the halloween special that’s not really a special but i tried okay >:(…

can’t believe i’m starting out the update with writing. but anyway this is a bit of taeyong and jaehyuns meeting!!

taeyong got onto his feet as jaehyun awkwardly stood before him before clearing his throat. “so you’re jay?”

“uh yeah and you’re yoyo?” taeyong nodded and fiddled with his hands.

“um so i’m guessing nothings going to happen then?” jaehyun scratched at the back of his head looking anywhere but at taeyong.

“uh yeah but um we can still hang out?” jaehyun smiled and looked taeyong in the eyes for the first time dimples on full display.

“yeah let’s.”

after awhile they decided to go to an underpass that jaehyun frequently visited. they sat in silence before the younger cleared his throat.

“so you already have a dom?”

“i guess? i don’t know he is but at the same time he’s not mine and i don’t really like that.” taeyong shrugged biting at his thumbnail.

“what’s his @“ taeyong leaned against jaehyun as they went through domdks page until the younger gasped.

“holy shit taeyong!” jaehyun sprung to his feet zooming in on the image he was looking at.

“what? what’s wrong?” taeyong also stood peering over his shoulder.

“i’ve seen that room before!”

“wait what? you know who he is?” the older pushed at jaehyuns shoulders whining.

“who!” taeyong slapped at the others arm bouncing up and down.


103. this is after the revelation

104. glass door. brain. damage.

105. hm who likes to be stepped on?

106. dy takes the smart route and decides to ignore all his problems oh yes

107. yys starving kun just give him a lil peek

108. he doesn’t mind

109. dejun dom dejun dom

110. same kun same

111. ty siren

112. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 dumb thic but not ty baiting the man smh


114. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 he responds!! dy weak af letting his jealousy control him like damn bruh you could’ve lasted a couple more days

115. man is literally losing his mind

116. oh yes we will :)

i’ll post the next half in an hour so be prepared!!…

117. maid ty maid ty

written bits again!!

doyoung pushed and shoved people out of the way as he made his way to the center of the crowd, eyes locked on smooth skin.

as soon as he reached him he huffed grabbing tightly at taeyongs wrist. the other turned towards him smiling innocently. “like the costume doie?”

“you know i don’t.” doyoung could feel everyone’s gazes on them as he tugged on taeyongs wrist.

“we’re leaving.” taeyong giggled feet firmly planted on the floor.

“mm i don’t think so. you just got here why don’t we dance.”

“last time i checked you’re not the one who calls the shots. now you either come with me *now* or face the consequences later.” he watched as taeyong gnawed at his bottom lip before relenting following after the other.

118. it’s finally happening!!!

119. get it get it get it

more written parts n i’m sorry :(

doyoung laid on his side back towards taeyong fiddling with the loose strands on his pillowcase. “what’s wrong?”

“did you bait me?”

“when?” taeyong sounds genuinely confused as he pulled on the younger shoulder pushing him flat onto his back.

“by fucking jaehyun “

“ugh listen i didn’t fuck him dumbass” taeyong grunted propping himself on his elbows watching the look of shock pass doyoungs face.

“what? “

“yeah we just took the pics and laughed the whole time. the only reason we did that though was to draw you out. “


“yeah jaehyun noticed that the background of some of your pics looked eerily familiar. imagine how surprised he was to see a gift he had given you last-

“year on your shelf in a dick pic. “

“fuck. god i’m an idiot” doyoung dropped his head into his hands groaning.

“yeah but a handsome idiot so i think it evens out” taeyong pushed up against doyoungs side head resting on his chest.

even more writing but it’s backstory!! ty’s high school days also sorry for how much writing there is it just needs to be done like that :(

taeyong sat propped up against the tree lunch sat forgotten in his lap as he struggled to keep his eyes open. why did he think it’d be a good idea to stay up until 3 am on the day before his senior year started? he doesn’t know.

he heard shuffling to his right peeking an eye open noticing another boy leaning against the wooden fence a cigarette between his lips. taeyong watched as he struggled to properly light the lighter in his hands, he sighed loudly bringing the boys attention to him.

“you need help?” he propped himself up onto his elbows, staring the other down. taeyong watched as the other gulped before nodding hesitantly coming towards him before sitting before him.

taeyong took the lighter from the others hands effectively lighting it in seconds bringing it to the cigarette between the others lips. he looked young but not too young maybe a year or two younger than him?

“what year are you?” taeyong reached out and plucked the cigarette from his mouth bringing it to his own.

“um im a junior.” taeyong nodded taking a few drags before handing it back to him.

taeyong leaned forward as the other slinked away a blush clear on his cheeks. “you know you’re pretty cute?”

“why is that a question?”

“i don’t know. i guess i don’t really see pretty boys like you anymore.”

“w-well you’re a pretty boy. “

“mm you think so?”

“yeah. you’re the prettiest on campus.” taeyong felt his heart soar from the other words. he would’ve been embarrassed by how quickly he had come to like the younger but he realized this isn’t something he could stop.

“i’m happy you think so. what’s your name?”

“dongyoung but my friends call me doyoung, you?”

“taeyong. lee taeyong.”

taeyong would sit there every lunch break waiting for him and he’d always show himself eventually. he’d watch fondly as the younger would go on tangents about the solar system or how the world would end if we didn’t take care of it.

he thought it was unbelievably cute and found himself collecting little planets he’d find at thrift shops or making sure to pick up some litter. just for him.

everything was perfect until it wasn’t.

a day passed and doyoung didn’t come, two days passed and he didn’t come, four, a week, then two. he waited but he never came back, at the time the rejection had stung but he didn’t exactly have the best reputation so it’s understandable that he’d eventually give up on him.

eventually he left his tree only to leave behind a boy desperately looking for him.

they met again in college but taeyong had been determined to forget him. all the feelings he had kept buried came back up when he first saw him in his econ class.

but it seemed he didn’t remember him so taeyong vowed to do everything in his power to make him remember even if he had to be mean to him to get it.

120. uhhhh

121. i’m sorry

122. ty don’t fuck w casual

123. awk

that’s all for today!! v big ik but needed to be done uwu happy halloween!!!!…

124. for once ty isn’t messing around n playing games he just needs support!!

125. cute ty

kun is suffering 126.

127. bad joke babe

128. yangyang sass

129. i live for dejun n ty’s friendship

130. kun post notifs?

131. jaehyun has been blocked for dys mental health

132. cake?

133. awk thanks

134. cringing

that’s it for today and hopefully tomorrow will be the last update!!…

135. they keep dancing around each other oof

136. he’s closing the account!! but not really

137. pretend he never tweeted these (5)

138. same hendery same

139. dejun big boy dejun dom

140. they’re finally going to talk!!!

141. they’re opening up owo

142. dys gonna speak his truth yes honey

143. ty’s asking the hard questions

144. low key confession sad af hold my hand there are tears in my eyes. lmfao jk no there isn’t

145. realized as i wrote this final bit i forgot to add hints of what happened to dy but let’s pretend he just didn’t want to talk about it at all. but omg it’s a kdrama!! also tw for mentions of car accident

146. tw for mentions of suicide. but they’re working hard to talk this out!!



149. first n fifth of many more 💕

150. post aftermath but ong they’re boyfriends crying and shaking

151. yong n his daddy

152. omg kun n dejun have smth in common 🥰

153. jaehyun really pushing doyoungs buttons

154. 🚨 wee woo wee woo 🚨 penis on main i repeat there is a penis on main

155. i love you 💕

156. smh hendery real behind

and that’s all!!! it’s sadly over but this universe will be expanded upon because some things were left open w xiaoyangkun!! but tell me what you thought about the au!!…

should i write out xiaoyangkun?

also big thanks to @ROS3YONG for giving me this idea. she put a lil photo set of taeyong on my tl n idk i was like “omg yes he’s giving us cheerleader realness” and experienced a that’s so raven like future thing idk but thank you owo ily 💕

there’s a sequel!!! it’s xiaoyangkuns story feel free to read it!!

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