mrspanstreppon Profile picture
"Liar!" retorted Hyacinth, with the directness of speech that is not merely excusable, but almost obligatory, in the political profession..."

Oct 21, 2021, 12 tweets

...While giving short shrift to John Eastman's far right extremism, Haberman & Schmidt provide a useful timeline of how Eastman came to Trump's attention, beginning in mid-2019...…

...Post-election, Eastman was called on once by a Trump aide in connection w a challenge to PA's election results & once by Trump who asked him to assist w legal challenges to the election results...

...Curious which Trump aide reached out to John Eastman on Christmas Eve about a memo & who else was in the room when he met w Trump & Pence. My guess is Mark Meadows & Cleta Mitchell...

...John Eastman & Cleta Mitchell have served on the board of the Public Interest Legal Foundation fka ActRight Legal Foundation since its inception in 2012....

...In 2013, the Public Interest Legal Foundation focused on the IRS "scandal" which I have amply demonstrated was manufactured. In 2014, the focus changed to manufactured voter fraud scandals w the addition of J. Christian Adams, Hans von Spakovsky & William Davis to the board...

...The current Public Interest Legal Foundation board is comprised of the superstars of voter suppression. Contributions must have poured in after Election Day since PILF hired two new new staff members & jazzed up the website...…

...The one thing the folks over at the Public Interest Legal Foundation haven't bothered doing is filing the 2019 990 due Nov 15 2020. Another month & the 2020 990 will be due. The onus is on J. Christian Adams since PILF doesn't employ an outside accountant...

...In Aug 2020, @mjs_DC excoriated Eastman for his Newsweek op-ed questioning Kamala Harris' eligibility to serve as VP. Stern went on to skewer other notables at the Claremont Institute...…

.. On Oct 6 2020, the Federalist Society, of which John Eastman is a member in good standing, sponsored a debate on the meaning of the constitution’s citizenship clauses bet Eastman & Eugene Volokh (no, I haven't read the transcript & won't)...…

...In a Family Research Council presentation in June 2015, John Eastman gave a somewhat convoluted & misleading explanation as to why Uganda should reinstate a law mandating life imprisonment for homosexuals...…

...As noted above, John Eastman is chair of the National Organization For Marriage Educational Fund. I don't have much to say about NOM other than it peaked around 2012 when Neil Corkery was treasurer & Leonord Leo's CPA of choice prepared the 990...

...That's about it for this thread. Will follow up w one about the 990s filed by the Claremont Institute which changed CPAs & accounting policies a couple of years ago.

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