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Proud mom. Writer. Survivor. Critical thinker. Truth teller. Community organizer. Bluesky, Substack, Threads & IG: @kayesteinsapir #TEAMMOLLY

Oct 21, 2021, 8 tweets

This is a special post. I put together photos of Molly on all her birthdays here on Earth. Thank you all for seeing Molly, for loving her, although most of you never met her. Molly and I are just getting started changing the world together🙏. #TEAMMOLLY #HBDMolly

These are from Molly’s first and second birthdays. Our cat, Ellie, always slept in Jon’s dresser drawer. Molly delighted in finding her there. You’ll notice a theme in all these photos - Molly thoroughly enjoyed her birthday cakes 🎂. Please indulge in something sweet today 😋.

This is three and four. I vividly remember Molly getting up and singing Twinkle Twinkle ⭐️ into the mic at her fourth birthday party. She was so earnest and sincere. Pure love radiated from her in those moments.

Five and six. Her sixth birthday party was at a cake decorating place, where everyone got to decorate their own cakes with every color frosting and topping imaginable. So much fun.

Seven and eight. Seven was at Disneyland and eight was Color Me Mine. She loved this picture of her being silly in the middle of all her friends.

Nine and ten. I had surgery right before Molly’s ninth birthday. Jon took Molly, Nate and their friend, Jensen, to the Santa Monica pier 🎡. Ten was our epic trip to Chicago to see @HamiltonMusical. We also went wakeboarding and to the movies with Eme 🍿. Somehow 9 is after 10 🤷‍♀️

Eleven and twelve. 11 was strange because we were evacuated due to wildfire. I picked the kids up at school and took them to the movies because the road to our house was closed. 12 was during the height of the pandemic. I’m glad I made it special and decorated. I love you, Molly.

Ahh, I was wrong. Wakeboarding and movies with Eme was 11! The year of the wildfire with the big balloon bouquet below. Forgetting details about Molly’s life is so upsetting. I want to remember everything, and it’s impossible. I spent a long time trying to remember every birthday

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