Kaelan Ramos Profile picture
Multi-Media Editor | Enjoyer of vintage anime, film, and joshi puroresu | Curator of curious things 【 Sailor Moon S @EVO Champion 🔥 】

Oct 21, 2021, 7 tweets

Was looking for SF2 CE move strips and found this.

Broke: Memorizing frame data for every move
Woke: Medium attacks have immediate destructive power

We've had how many Street Fighter adaptations now? And literally none of them have gotten the story right.

If you are facing right, this is a sure killing technique.

Yes, I'm a Shalsim main 🤘

I believe this from Australia, as it was distributed by "Leisure and Allied Industries", LAI. The art is traced/recolored from the Japanese move strips of the first Street Fighter II.

Bonus Simpsons reference

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