Greg Sargent Profile picture
Staff writer at the New Republic

Oct 22, 2021, 6 tweets

In last 24 hours:

* We learn Kevin McCarthy is using Sopranos-style threats against Liz Cheney amid 1/6 probe

* Virtually every House GOPer votes to protect 1/6 architect Bannon

How far from here to a GOP House subverting the 2024 election?

My latest:…

One of Kevin McCarthy's henchmen delivered a threat about Liz Cheney that would shock a Sopranos scriptwriter.

McCarthy also threatened private companies that comply with the 1/6 committee.

"This is how democracies get into trouble," @dziblatt tells me:…

@dziblatt For governments to function amid deep disagreements between major players, they evolve shared understandings.

For instance, executive privilege claims against oversight typically result in negotiated settlements.

Trump/Bannon are destroying this norm:…

@dziblatt Here's the question we must all face up to right now:…

@dziblatt Important and related, from @brianbeutler:

What's at issue is whether Democrats are prepared to accept the obligations that GOP and MAGA radicalization thrusts upon *them*:…

@dziblatt @brianbeutler When the shared understandings that undergird democratic stability erode to the point of implosion, sometimes only the proper and judicious use of power will suffice to guarantee that stability endures.

End the filibuster and protect democracy.…

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