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Oct 22, 2021, 6 tweets

12 Seconds, BC WION & Pak FM Remarks - Thread

Undoubtedly, the guy; a Pakistani, has been in the war zone, but representing & working for WION; a platform owned by Zee News Media Group, India.

Sudhir Chaudhary is the Editor-in-Chief of WION, DNA India & Zee News.


Set up in 2016, focused on China and Pakistan, WION is fixated to generate nationalist propaganda; similar to FOX News in the US.


Sudhir Chaudhry has been associated with Subhash Chandra, the founder of Zee Media and the Chairman of Essel Group, whose links with BJP are evident.


In his autobiography ‘The Z factor: My journey as the wrong man at the right time’, Chandra has written about his association with the RSS, the ideological parent of @BJP4India in his younger days.


WION’s propaganda against Pakistan is well known. As per Minister @fawadchaudhry, WION had also created several videos misleading the portrayal of the Noor Mukaddam case.



As concerns @AnasMallick, he joined @WIONews in 2018 and replaced @TahaSSiddiqui as Bureau Chief. He has also been working with Zee News India & DNA India in addition to WION. Even presently, he is covering Afghanistan from Kabul being the Bureau Chief of WION for Pakistan.


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