Fake History Hunter Profile picture
I hunt fake history and correct it, but also post amazing real history stuff. Rude, obscene, vulgar, racist people who can't act like grown-ups get blocked.

Oct 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Just found an amazing photographer who is specialised in taking pictures at Living History events.
You know, when history addicts like me get dressed up as our ancestors.
Check out these pictures of an Napoleonic event in France.
©Barry's Photography

When done well, like here, it is an amazing experience and as close to time travelling as possible.
For historians and history addicts, it is quite sublime.
I've been to many events like it, it's always fantastic.

©Barry's Photography

The photos are incredible, I'll be sharing a lot more of Barry's work in the future.
Make sure to check out his Facebook page for more of his work.

©Barry's Photography

©Barry's Photography

©Barry's Photography

©Barry's Photography

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