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Oct 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Halyna Hutchins, the 'Rust' cinematographer who died after being shot by a prop gun containing a live round of ammunition, was a rising talent. Her friends are remembering her legacy as a consummate pro, loving wife, and an attentive mother.

Sidra Smith, a casting director and producer who had worked with Hutchins on the mini-series “A Luv Tale,” remembered as “so young and so talented.” She added, “She was so beautifully gracious and words cannot express how supportive she was to me.”

April Wright, a writer, director and producer, wrote: "I’m in disbelief. So young, vibrant, and talented. Such a wonderful soul. My heart goes out to her son and family."

“She could do anything…She commanded the world," said Hutchins' friend, filmmaker Rachel Mason. "Nobody realizes that being a dedicated mother was a huge part of who she was, she just kept that separate because, in this industry, it’s hard to get jobs."

“Her imagery has her DNA all over it, and I hope everyone goes and sees her art and understands the talent we senselessly lost,” says director Michael Nell. “We lost a real one, an actual artist who stood out in a world of quickly thrown together content."

“We lost a truly unique artist, and it pains me to think of the images she never had a chance to create,” says Stas Bondarenko. "She was always an inspiration."

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