The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Oct 23, 2021, 5 tweets

.@CortesSteve says if you think the tragedy of Afghanistan for the US is over think again. Brutal new crime it’s being committed by Afghan refugees and the trend says they are going to continue.

.@RichardGrenell tells @CortesSteve When there was missing paperwork people at the state department was telling officials in Germany to make decisions best they can. Normal vetting takes more than a year not just four or five days like we’ve seen.

.@RichardGrenell tells @JennPellegrino at the end of the day many refugees want to go back to their country. It’s up to the international community to provide protection and solve the problem so the people can go back.

.@RichardGrenell tells @CortesSteve refugees shouldn’t automatically be given entrance into the United States. That should be taken somewhere where they can calmly be vetted.

.@RichardGrenell tells @JennPellegrino we need to quit expecting journalist to do their job and expecting DC to change. People need to start getting up and doing something. They need to get up and run for office or help fund someone that can.

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