Dennis S Brotman 🇺🇸 🟧🟦 #DemCast #DemCastGA ☮️ Profile picture
The Constitution Is Our Common Commitment To Human Rights. We The People. No one can take away our rights. Retired Civil Trial Lawyer #BidenHarris4More

Oct 23, 2021, 11 tweets

Merrick Garland’s House Testimony Demonstrated the Failure of His Hyper-Cautious Approach to His Job

“But by declining to investigate Trump and his associates, Garland is enabling further attacks on our democracy.”…

#AppointSpecialCounsel /2

“Garland’s standard sets up a false equivalency between the Democratic Party &a political party whose national leader,..Trump, incited &celebrated a violent assault on our nation’s Capitol to overthrow the results of a free and fair election..”

#AppointSpecialCounsel /3

“ the middle of the AG’s.testimony, Trump issued a statement highlighting Garland’s feebleness at failing to even investigate…organizers &leaders of Jan. 6 events,declaring”the insurrection took place on Nov 3, Election Day. Jan 6 was the Protest!”

#AppointSpecialCounsel /4
“Moreover, Garland’s efforts to depoliticize the DOJ have proved to be an abdication of his responsibility to protect the rule of law.”

#AppointSpecialCounsel /5
“Take just a few examples:Garland’s failure to reconsider the obstruction of justice case against the former president,his deferral of an investigation of possible financial crimes by Trump &his organization to local prosecutors in NYC and Westchester..”

#AppointSpecialCounsel /6

“..his use of the DOJ to protect Trump from defamation allegations, and his deferral of a soliciting of voter fraud felony probe in Georgia to local prosecutors there..”

##AppointSpecialCounsel /7

“..By abdicating his responsibility, Garland is also opening the door for Trump to commit these possibly criminal abuses all over again, this time with the full support of the Republican Party, and maybe ultimately return to power..”


Garland Is About to Face His Most Important Test
“ will be up to the Biden administration to decide whether or not to criminally prosecute any Trump loyalist who decides to break the law &disobey a congressional subpoena..”…

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