Andy Arthur 🐣 Threadinburgh 🧵 Profile picture
Overlooked stories of Edinburgh, Leith & Scottish local history. Expect the unexpected: people, buildings, transport, maps & occasional attempts to be funny

Oct 23, 2021, 8 tweets

When coffee snobism, techbros, subscription services, unnecessarily energy and packaging intensive processes and venture capital collide, you know the result will inevitably be WTFifying.

I am once again asking the men to stop inventing stuff that doesn't need invented

For the avoidance of doubt, they make coffee, freeze it, package it in plastic pods, package that in display packaging, package that in insulated postal packaging, send it to you, you store it frozen, and then when you want a coffee you put a pod in a cup and add boiling water

Want an "impossibly convenient" latte? Just repeat the process by impossibly conveniently melting the capsule (how, where?) and magicking up an impossibly convenient cup of hot, steamed milk which we have yet to invent an impossibly convenient frozen capsule for 🤷‍♂️

To make impossibly convenient iced coffee you first have to melt your frozen coffee! Howling! 🤨

Not only can enjoy "a great cup of coffee anywhere" (just so long as you go everywhere with a cool bag and kettle) but can carry your stupid frozen coffee pods on the plane, so you can enjoy knowing they're melting away while as you decline that airline filter coffee

Free shipping! (only $2 per cup ongoing cost)

Ah sorry maybe I'm being unfairly cynical. I didn't realise this coffee had SCIENCE™️ and PROPRIETARY TECHNOLOGY©️ in it

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