Krutika Profile picture
Perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story, may we’ll share a lifetime then🦋💫

Oct 24, 2021, 24 tweets

●● A Thread ●●

• handwritten notes of SSR
• Innsaei Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Company
• SSR's dreams for his people

PC: rightful owners

This thread is an outcome of research & analysis done on the content which is already in public domain.

All observations & conclusions are from my understanding of Sushant, his interests in specifics, handwritten notes and consistency in his posts.

📌Due to confidentiality some notes are NOT published in public.
Hence there is no fixed order for notes. It's in parts.

I've numbered it to arrange them in a sequence for better understanding.


✅ Note 1 summary

• MBTI: 'Myers–Briggs Type Indicator'
"An assessment that builds an understanding of strengths and blind spots. It also helps people understand how they might differ from one another."

➡️ Read it n check yours too (pic 3)
Mine in INFP :)

✅ Note 2 summary

• About developing an app.
• app works on Bertrand Russell and Decimals (theory/principles/logic)

(*Any tech expert can share their views on this particular thing*)

Pic 4: a fav. book SSR, includes theory of time n discussions (overview)

✅ Note 3

• to infiltrate Circulatory system of India.
*Mention of Air India, Airways with question mark.


✅ Note 4 Summary

• Multiple IPs
*here IP can have 2 contexts*

1. IP (Internet Protocols); pic 3
If want different IP addresses for desired reasons' which are unknown.

2. IP (Intellectual Property); pic 4
This includes- patent, copyright, etc .

✅ Note 5 Summary

I had explained about most of these terms mentioned here in my previous tweet.
(See pic 3)

Here it is:


✅ Note 6 summary

• Fitness
Sushant had started with a YouTube channel to post these fitness videos. 3/6 are uploaded (pic 3):…

• Skills
Sushant is master in these sports as it's his hobby too (pic 4)

✅ Note 7 Summary

• Cymatics in time
SSR wants to observe cymatics' effects on his favorite songs.

•Pic 3&4: basic about #Cymatics

*Cymatics/SSR in-detail thread:

*Hypersonic Playlist by SSR on spotify:…


✅ Note 8 Summary

Study about;
- Virtual Reality
- India & Chin@'s education system
(I've attached pic 3; showing basic comparison in education system)

• NASA; about sending meritorious students (who fulfills criteria) to NASA under scholarship (Pic 4)


✅ Note 9 Summary

• To make one superhero.
[ Illustrator - Editor - Writer - Graphics ] : these are crucial requirements for creating superhero concept.

•Dream 27/150: create a unique superhero

✅ Note 10 Summary

About 2 Netflix shows;
1. Regarding Investigative Journalists.
(*Not much info yet*)

2. Geniuses (had shortlisted 12 Geniuses; pic 3)
*Sushant was to play all characters except one female character from the list.


✅ Note 11 Summary

• another concept on "Geniuses & the dropout"
Few mentioned are;
- Steven Pinker
- Richard Dawkins
- Foddy Bennett
- Daniel Kahneman, etc

• Pic 2,3&4: Check the links connecting Sushant with above listed famous "Geniuses" personalities.


• CREMA data (crowd)
It is a data set containing "facial & vocal expressions" of people.
Eg.: how person reacts or speaks in anger, happy mood,(pic 2)

• Point 8 has 2 parts;
a) John Brockman; websites (pic 3)
b) an education app; same like (pic 4)

✅ Note 12 Summary

• original page pic is shared by Honey Singh (pic 2); colleague/Friend of Sush.

• SSR's Journals and project & personal Diaries (Pic 3&4)

• Sushant want to publish a book on his #SelfMusings


✅ Note 13 Summary

• To form INFLUENCERS Lobby.

*Influencers lobby means, "a group of like-minded people come together to influence an authoritative body, or the act of exerting that influence to serve own interests."


✅ Note 14 Summary

• The Education app (IP)

• To meet Elon Musk, PM Modi, etc.
(Top 100 most powerful) for having constructive discussions.


✅ Note 15 Summary

• To make The Space Film (Chanda Mama Door Ke) of his own.

*SSR opted out from cmdk & was about to Direct and Co-produce it himself through Innsaei Ventures (2017-18). He also wanted to add his research work in film to make it the best!


✅ Note 16 Summary

• Crime & Empowerment
• Dream 33/150
-Create non-zero sum, darwinian socio-economic structures that would enable 1 billion people by bio mimicking (Non-linear Emergence) 🌈👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🔥🦋🌪


✅ Note 17 Summary

• objectives
- Dent in Poverty
- Monetization of 20 Million in National Treasury
(Everything is for Others)

• Non-Zero Sum
It means both the parties participating in a negotiation will win in one or the other way (No loser! Only winners)

✅ Note 18 Summary

• Pic 3; .... This is what Shapley value in GAME THEORY says. Now apply same in our education Or regulatory systems; where each citizen will do it's duties to help nation.

• similarly all earth people can reduce global warming too.

✅ Note 19 Summary

• Sushant's dream to update pedagogy for school kids.

(Instance: Talked about introduction of coding in schools then; and today it's implemented!🦋💫)

He had literally made an education Revamp plan while discussing.

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