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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Oct 24, 2021, 8 tweets

Oxfam used to have a women's rights program that understood that women are adult human females....

And which understood that women's economic and personal empowerment goes hand in hand with political and social organising and protection in law

It's new policy has thrown all that away

It now understands "transformative feminist leadership" as including men who who change their pronouns or perform feminine stereotypes

As a result it has dropped a children's game celebrating women's achievements from its stores because 1) it only includes female people and
2) some of those women like JKR and Chimamanda NA have questioned whether redefining "women" is really good for us…

Will Oxfam similarly remove staff members who don't think men can become women?

What about resources to local women's groups that it supports?

Oxfam is just recovering from a safeguarding scandal and has adopted a policy which systematically enables the bullying of women; punishing them for speaking up and for recognising male violence.

People in the development sector who are paid good money to think big thoughts, and work on behalf of people whose lives involve much more risk:

When are you going to be brave and discuss this?

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