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Oct 24, 2021, 18 tweets

Jockos 10 Rules To Crush Your Life

John Gretton "Jocko" Willink is an American author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer who served in the Navy SEALs and former member of SEAL Team THREE.



Whenever I am feeling down, unmotivated, or just plain self-hating on myself. I look for a quick Jocko hit. He holds no punches, he's extreme. He's not going to pat you on the head and tell you it's ok. Take Extreme Ownership.


When things are going bad, don't get bummed out, startled, or frustrated.

If you can say the word good, it means you're still alive.

If you're still breathing, you still have fight left. Get up & dust off. Reload, recalibrate & reengage.

Go out on the ATTACK!

2. Have discipline

Discipline is the root of all good qualities. It's working out every day, making yourself stronger & healthier.

Discipline means taking the hard road & not accepting weakness.

Discipline is your best friend, it will take care of you like nothing else.

3. Take action NOW

You want to improve, you want to get better?

You want to get on a workout program or a clean diet?

You want to start a business?

You want to write a book or make a movie?

Where do you start?

You start right here and right NOW!

4. Turn weaknesses into strengths

Don't accept weakness, fight it.  Somedays you win, somedays you don't. Get up every day to fight with everything you have to overcome those weaknesses, channel shortfalls, and your flaws.

5. Be focused

In combat, focus comes easy, the battle is right in front of your face. You have no choice but to focus, but sometimes in day-to-day life, you can lose track of the long-term goal.

Win the long war. Don't settle for the status quo.



Embed that long-term goal in your mind and never lose sight of it.


Think about it, write about it, talk about it, hang it up on your wall but most importantly, do something about it.

That goal isn't going to achieve itself, it is all YOU.

6. Kill the quitter instinct

This is the instinct that says, you've had enough.

It's the instinct that says you've given it your best shot. You can stand down. You can back off. You can take a knee.



Do not listen, that instinct is a liar, and wants to bring you down.

That is the instinct you need to push back and smash into the ground. Do not take the easy way out, do not give up based on instinct.

Train it to say go, get up, fight on!

7. Take advantage of stress

There have been many warriors who have been in very stressful situations, faced evil, and death. Gettysburg, Vicksburg or the Battle of the Bulge.

You've got to detach from the problems or the stress that you're experiencing.



If you can't control something, embrace it.

Detach yourself.

How can you look at it a different way, how can you see it in a way that you can actually take advantage of it?

When it comes to stress. Don't fight it. Turn it on itself and use it.

8. Just do it

There is a reason it's Nike's slogan.

We tend to push things off. I don't want to do it now, I'll get to it later. PROCRASTINATION.

The soldier, Jody, wouldn't accept that answer.

Jocko doesn't self-talk, he just DOES IT.

9. Step towards your fear

You've lived a life dominated by doubt and fear. How do you step into bravery?


Step aggressively towards your fear.

We're scared of what we don't know.


If you're afraid of fighting & altercations, go train in jiu-jitsu.

If you're afraid of heights, work on rock climbing.

If you're afraid of water, time to swim.

Mitigate the risk, ease yourself in, and go for it.

Eventually, you will overcome that fear.

10. Practice every day

"The more you practice, the better you get, the more freedom you have to create."

This applies to anything you want to learn or a habit you're trying to incorporate. You have to practice it every day to build the habit.

On habits: bit.ly/3nhuQEQ

You've made it to the end. 👏

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I'm Danny Naz. I write, I travel, I tweet and I eat. And I'm hungry for more.

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