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Oct 24, 2021, 8 tweets

Those who fought in the Texas Revolution (or Texas Revolt) fought “to form what became the single most militant slave nation in history.”

This passage is maybe the clearest distillation I’ve ever seen of how central slavery—and the protection, expansion, and entrenchment of slavery—was to the Texas Revolt:

(These are from:…)

The Mexican government “had given the [Texian] colonists almost everything they wanted short of guaranteeing the sanctity of their slaves. The Americans were free men and women, by no means ‘oppressed’”

John Quincy Adams: The Texas Revolution was “a war for the reestablishment of Slavery where it was abolished. It is… a war between Slavery and Emancipation”

“The Texas constitution remains the only one in world history to guarantee slavery… Texas was to be the most militant slavocracy anywhere.”

For more on how central slavery was to the Texas Revolution—and on who saw it for exactly what it was:

There's zilch on this website about how the Republic of Texas was the most virulently white supremacist, pro-slavery country to have ever existed.

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