Philobster | L.J. Profile picture

Oct 24, 2021, 7 tweets

Alchemy describes the elements of metaphysics.
Chemistry describes the elements of physics.
The philosopher's stone is a rational formula.
Like a²+b²=c², but it uses rational archetypes of existence. It is not physical.

Examples of use: #philosophersstone
1. metaphysics & physics, alchemy & chemistry
2. elements, temperature, physical states
3. static, organic, chaotic and constructed orders
4. natural and political science

5. mathematical values
6. Emotional evaluations
7. depression, rest, action, mania
8. coward, calm, brave, devilment

9. handling of information
10. time, past, future, present

11. morals, altruism, egoism
12. socialism, capitalism
13. political left & right
14. left & right duality

15. three archetypes of moral understandings
16. inverted ideas and eternal development

17. spectrum of mind
18. left/right hand path
19. evolutionary decay
20. everything is falling into duality. as above so below. between state and people, between left and right wing, and even the minds of the individuals trapped in this system become dual.

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