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Oct 24, 2021, 19 tweets

Rethinking The Internet:

A sustainable user-centric internet economy

Presenting: Syntropy


Coin Market Cap Metrics

CMC rank: #302 ✅
Market Cap: 182m ✅
Price: $0.37 ✅
Circulating Supply: 482m ✅
Max Supply: 1B ✅
24h vol: 3.4m ✅

Exchanges: KuCoin, Uniswap, Gate.Io , Bancor

For those who are more esoteric, understand the duality of the world we live in:

Love vs. Hate
Light vs. Dark
Good vs. Evil
Yin vs. Yang

Entropy vs. Syntropy

One cannot exist without the other.

Things that appear opposite are merely two extremes of the same thing.

Entropy can be defined as:

randomness, disorder, uncertainty, death.

Syntropy can be defined as: harmony, collaboration, sustainability, life.

In order to be a sustainable living organism one must minimize
entropy & maximize Syntropy

The state of the internet in my opinion has started become more entropic with time:

Centralized Data control
Lack of privacy
High latency
A Fraudulent-Ad cesspool
Siloed economies


What is the ‘potential’ answer to bring the power back to the people?


#Syntropy is an open source layer-0 NPoS protocol that can be built on top of existing internet infrastructure to provide:

- End to end encryption
- Better utilization of resources
- Decentralized governance
- Lower latency
- Optimized routing

Bringing power back to the user.

With anyone possessing the ability to monetize their own data, the playing field becomes leveled between:

- Content Providers
- Users

In short: the days of being the ‘product’ are over.

The Internets Issue of Optimization and Routing:

Today’s Internet service providers optimize their services for cost , while trying to maintain a business model built on speed.

A disruption of a couple hundred milliseconds is all it takes to disrupt a phone call or game.

ISP’s face:

- scalability issues
- indirect control on flow of traffic, leading to poor balancing of load and uptick in disruptions
- slow routing protocol convergence

& more.

This is why most ISP’s look for the shortest network path often times costing performance.

The answer?


Part of $NOIA ‘s stack , the Distributed Autonomous Routing Protocol is a:

“single packet network approach to identify better network paths across the internet”

Improving performance for ISP’s

And reducing disruptions, load and costs

W/ secure encryption


- YAML (Network as code)
- Programmable API
- Programmable Networking

& more.


$NOIA acts like ‘gas’ on its network.

All data & activity sent on the network is measured in $NOIA

Meaning the throughput of the network is intrinsically-linked to its value.

More activity = higher price & bandwidth.

$NOIA is used for:

- storing & changing network configuration
- buying/selling bandwidth contracts
- API commands
- establishing E/E encrypted connections.
- Data Routing

Validators on the network are nominated with staked tokens from community nominators

Rewards collected in a DARP reward pool are paid out to relay nodes and validators

In short:

a sustainable & community- enabled model is the end result of this positive feedback loop economy


Between the 4 founders , they possess multi decades of experience across multiple industries including:

- Finance
- Banking
- Software/app development
- Engineering

& more.

Some highlights include JP Morgan & ETICS Advisory Panel for the EU Commission.


An experienced group of high level individuals who possess decades of expertise in companies like:

- Verizon
- AT&T
- Coinshare
- Ramprate


Some major partners/investors include:

- Microsoft
- Oracle
- Invictus
- E-Shelter

(Can someone confirm if Hedera is an investor/partner please? Don’t want to include info that may not be true)

Other Nugget: Starlink? 👀


It’s still to early to say , but $NOIA looks very promising.

With $DAG and it’s HGTP being a potential competitor, it’ll be interesting

Which one will achieve true Syntropy?

Regardless, this is a solid project that I’ve decided to invest into.

Thanks for reading.

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