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CEO DCN. Media strategy, streaming, antitrust, privacy. @wustl, Sporting News, CBS Sports alum. #HoldTheLine #IStandwithEvan #PressFreedom Hear more at @dcnorg

Oct 25, 2021, 8 tweets

what a week for Facebook, Attorney General Racine's complaint just posted to the docket with Mark Zuckerberg now added as a defendant. This was widely reported last week but interesting to see (and not see). /1

By "not see," I mean there is a ton of redactions specific to Zuckerberg presumably tied to the limited discovery they've been able to do so far. As part of this, DC will increase its press to depose and do discovery on Zuckerberg, something FTC failed to do. /2

It seems something was more recently discovered that increased their interest in going for the king. /3

A reminder on the case, it involves a cover-up that involved misleading the public, the press and political leaders. None of this is in doubt at this point, it's really a matter of being able to complete discovery and get to the courts vs settle which Facebook will aim to do. /4

The core case in the cover-up was the Cambridge Analytica scandal which the AG complaint reminds involved allowing CA to use the Facebook platform to influence and manipulate the 2016 presidential election despite knowing they had improperly purchased Facebook data. /5

And yes, that data was *sold* to Cambridge Analytica. AG describes it accurately in the complaint. I reiterate this as last night @profcarroll was sharing frustration in the press re-writing history by softening from the term "sale" which I entirely agree is a problem. /6

Here is the AG @AGKarlRacine on CNN last week discussing adding Zuckerberg to the lawsuit. /7

That's all on this one. It also relates to the FTC lawsuit and a few complaints filed in Delaware which were able to get hold of communications between the board and Facebook leadership. More down these threads... /8

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