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'Non evidence based activism regarding dominant modes of viral transmission' - AHS SAG 'Certain online actors'

Oct 25, 2021, 17 tweets

ID proponents of surgical masking on COVID wards, often site a handful of systematic reviews to defend their position.

Spurred by @AntibioticDoc's thread and @McDevonMD's tweet below - I did some digging.

Was MacIntyre 2013 covered in these reviews, and if so, how?


First, let's review @Globalbiosec's MacIntyre 2013.
This RCT had 3 arms: 1) continuous surgical masks 2) continuous N95s 3) targeted N95s (worn only during high-risk procedures and AGPs)

The 3rd arm is testing the status quo at most hospitals.



MacIntyre 2013 found that continuous N95 use resulted in a statistically significant reduction in Clinical Respiratory Illness (CRI), whereas targeted/intermittent N95 use was not superior to medical masks.

This is not surprising given the nature of aerosol transmission.


So... wait a minute... if we have an RCT from 2013, that shows continuous N95s are significantly protective against Clinical Respiratory Illness (CRI) - why are all these ID doctors saying there is no evidence to support N95 use?

Time to check the systematic reviews..


Let's start with the authoritative Jefferson 2020 systematic review, with Alberta's Dr. Conly as the 2nd author.

This review pools 3 N95 RCTs, and concludes no clear difference between surgical masks and N95s to reduce respiratory viral infection.



So did they include MacIntyre 2013?

Yes they did!

Here's what they pooled in their meta-analysis:

1) MacIntyre 2011 - Continuous N95
2) MacIntyre 2013 - Continuous N95
3) MacIntyre 2013 - Targeted/intermittent N95
4) Radonovich 2019 - "Close contact" N95


Note they pooled BOTH the continuous arm AND the targeted arm of MacIntyre 2013.

Remember, the targeted arm only used N95s during high-risk procedures and AGPs.

This arm was included in MacIntyre's study, to show the status-quo isn't sufficient.


In addition, they pooled Radonovich 2019, with a 41% weight. This study is even more problematic - the N95s and Surgical Masks were only worn in "close contact", ie. within 6ft of patients with suspected respiratory illness.


In summary, they pooled 4 arms from 3 studies, 2 of which were certain to fail in protecting against aerosol inhalation.

The 2 continuous N95 arms (MacIntyre 2011 and 2013) DID find a significant reduction in CRI, but those results were diluted in the meta-analysis.


Next, let's look at @AHS_media Scientific Advisory Group's Rapid Evidence Review on COVID-19 PPE Guidelines from Dec 2020.

This review heavily references the above Jefferson Systematic Review, but also summarizes the specifics in MacIntyre 2013.



It falsely states that MacIntyre 2013 found NO statistically significant differences between continuous N95 and continuous masking for clinical respiratory illness. It then references an RR of 0.70 (95% CI 0.35 - 1.40).

Compare to what MacIntyre 2013 actually said.


So where did that RR of 0.7 (95% CI 0.35 = 1.4) come from, if not from MacIntyre?

Turns out, it came from the Jefferson/Conly review - only they took the RR for the TARGETED N95 arm, while referring to the CONTINUOUS N95 arm in the text.

A pretty egregious WHOOPSIES!


But wait... THERE'S MORE!

Dr. Conly recently released a correspondence in The Lancet, rebuking Dr. MacIntyre's calls for Continuous N95 use on COVID wards.

What does he reference? His own Jefferson systematic review, and another systematic review.


The second systematic review is Bartoszko/Loeb 2020. (You will recognize Loeb from the N95 RCT being run with nurses in COVID-19 wards in Canada)

Surely this review contains some convincing evidence to show N95s aren't superior to surgical masks?


Nope.. this systematic review performs an almost identical meta-analysis to Jefferson.. pooling the SAME 3 studies, in the SAME problematic way.

Just like Jefferson, it heavily weights the "close contact" Radonovich trial, and includes the targeted N95 arm from MacIntyre.


Reading through all of this left me feeling both incredulous and defeated. Our Canadian (and global) Infectious Disease Evidence Based Medicine empire, which is driving critical PPE decisions during a deadly, Airborne Pandemic, is teetering upon this rickety house of cards.

I think a good parallel to these systematic reviews, is the Subprime Mortgage Crisis - where banks packaged risky subprime mortgages into layered & increasingly obfuscated securities. At the top, the securities were rated AAA, but they were all based on the same junk.


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