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Oct 25, 2021, 14 tweets

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Whats interesting though, is African nations were in the top 50 nations for flu deaths in 2018, a particularly bad flu year. Take Nigeria for example. Massive numbers of flu deaths 288k according to these figures. Yet looking at total covid deaths there only 2882. Whats going on?

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Also the same for other African nations, ranking quite high for flu deaths that year

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 They say they take data from WHO, World Bank, Unesco, CIA. So what's going on here?

We know that flu deaths were reportedly differently, there was no mass PCR testing with highly dubious methodology/data, no never ending count all year round.

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 So nothing to do with being younger population wise and flu got them pretty massively. I just think flu is so much more deadlier than covid, covid deaths also have many flu deaths baked into the data. Inaccurate testing, counting deaths without 28 days as covid deaths etc

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Has highly inflated covid death numbers when if none of this happened, flu would have remained the bigger global killer, covid would have come & gone without anyone batting an eye lid.

Flu deaths in 2018 for USA, UK & France. Covid death numbers look consistent with flu numbers

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Appears more and more that covid is rebranded flu, also the fact that the count never ended at the end of winter 2020 and carried on all year into winter 2021. The never ending count is just selling the illusion of covid being way worse than it actually is IMO.

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Which makes so much sense when you consider that covid always was a mild illness and not lethal enough to kill in such high numbers. Same for Delta variant. It's basically the sniffles. So I'm like 99% convinced we have been looking at flu all along.

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Because ask yourselves, where the f**k is the flu??? Apparently it's gone! No it's here and it never went away. It clearly has been rebranded and remains a far deadlier virus than any coronavirus (sniffles) out there. There are far too many anomalies.

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Also consider.....

Winter 2019/20 was on track to be a severe flu season.…

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Flu did not match up well against the predominant flu strain (mismatch) effectiveness was in serious doubt. Article is from September 2019…

@ZoePrecious2020 @keysers09242929 Instead flu totally disappears off the face of the Earth.

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