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Oct 25, 2021, 14 tweets

A woman was caught cheekily posing for a Google Maps car in a rather X-rated manner 👀

One reader got in touch with us after spotting the woman flashing in the Dingle area as they were looking on Google Maps Street View

The woman was caught on the search engine's map lifting her top up on a doorstep

However, this is not the first time a Google Street View mishap has thrown up something amusing

In 2019 Google Maps was caught out in a blunder after another scouser exposed themselves on a Google Street camera and they blurred wrong body part 😳…

Thankfully, they fixed it in the end - leaving nothing to chance this time

We have to admit that's it's fast thinking to pull off such a prank

Here's a before shot from the Google camera and you can see the group plotting the joke

The full escapade can be read about here…

Not all the mishaps are so X-Rated…

Nor are they just on Street View

For example, who knew the entrance to the 'centre of the earth' was on Hilbre Island?

In 2017, there was more confusion when a search for the swearword 'gobs****' flagged up the location of Liverpool FC's stadium

It isn’t known who is behind the foul mouthed prank - but top suspects will be cheeky football fans with an axe to grind against Liverpool - leaving a few reds fans more than a little miffed

This wasn’t the first time that tech savvy fans have used Google Maps to wind each other up.…

In 2015 rivals fans made sure that Manchester United’s Old Trafford was christened the 'Theatre of S****’

The same year, Spurs fans who typed S***hole into Google were directed to their former stadium White Hart Lane

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