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CEO DCN. Media strategy, streaming, antitrust, privacy. @wustl, Sporting News, CBS Sports alum. #HoldTheLine #IStandwithEvan #PressFreedom Hear more at @dcnorg

Oct 25, 2021, 12 tweets

Link to UK Parliament hearing - Facebook whistleblower starts momentarily. Chair of committee is @DamianCollins who led multi-party, impressive hearings in 2018/2019 and made himself into one of the smartest lawmakers on the planet regarding the issues. /1 parliamentlive.tv/event/index/cd…

For those who didn’t spend many hours tracking as Parliament DCMS investigated, tried to summons Zuckerberg to answer to cover-up and called them a ‘digital gangsta’, prepare for a session where they’re able to go deeper into dialogue and details rather than talking points. /2

As an example @DamianCollins is already diving into the mechanics of Facebook Groups and how they can amplify problematic engagement and recommend and organize groups and networks of groups around harmful themes. /3

Remarkable exchange between MP @MrJohnNicolson as he mashes with Facebook whistleblower on whether the company is “negligent,” “evil,” or “malevolent.” /4

I really like @DamianCollins follow-up here. It’s where an area where I feel pretty strongly and Facebook lost the most trust with me. Trust is earned based on how you act at a point of vulnerability. Once you know something harmful is happening, how did you deal with it? /5

I wasn’t expecting this line of discussion but 🙌🏼 it’s as if the Facebook whistleblower was a fly on the wall when I had direct access to Facebook and they failed to listen. /6

Good perspective why it’s not sustainable the only group that can ask questions and get answers from Facebook is Facebook itself. It’s important context we just learned from unsealed docs in lawsuit FB terminated PWC’s audit initiated by board after Cambridge Analytica breach. /7

wicked smart question as @DamianCollins connects dots between microtargeted amplification for advertising $$$ / profits and the microtargeted spread of harmful content. Yes, advertisers $100+B per year funds same systems that also spread harm. Profit > Civil society. /8

And @DamianCollins fact checks Facebook PR Nick Clegg’s silly misleading “two to tango” blog post putting blame of the users to accurately represent Facebook’s integral role in providing accelerated velocity and reach for harmful content. /9

In a sane world, this would freak investors on earnings day. Towards close of hearing we get to “Enron” discussion. First, whistleblower clearly points out the extraordinary percentage of new accounts which aren’t authentic (Facebook plays “denominator game” here, too). /10

And @DamianCollins rightly inquires why the ad sales wouldn’t be fraudulent. Whistleblower points to SUMA (actually means Single User Multiple Accounts based on evidence we helped unseal) and yes there is an active fraud lawsuit involving c-level. Will post thread below. /11

Here is a thread on SUMA, fake accounts, “potential reach” and advertising sales concerns and allegations including FT and WSJ reporting on them. /12

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