Dennis S Brotman 🇺🇸 🟧🟦 #DemCast #DemCastGA ☮️ Profile picture
The Constitution Is Our Common Commitment To Human Rights. We The People. No one can take away our rights. Retired Civil Trial Lawyer #BidenHarris4More

Oct 25, 2021, 9 tweets


Bob Woodward finds 'seven conspiratorial actions' by Trump and Bannon…

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"First of all, on Dec. 30, Bannon talks to Trump and says, 'You've got to make a dramatic return to Washington,'" Woodward said, paraphrasing some of the quotes in Peril.

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Bannon says to Trump,’You've got to call VP Pence off the ski slopes,'where Pence's staff &advisers have..stashed him away a week he's going to have to certify or decide do about who’s the next president

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Bannon says to Trump,’Jan. 6 is the moment of reckoning here,'&if we can challenge the legitimacy of Biden,it casts a shadow over the Biden presidency,&then, he says, 'We are going to kill the Biden presidency in the crib.'

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"Jan. 5..Bannon meets w/others,including block..certif of Biden..Trump put out a phony statement,..that Pence agreed..he has the power to walk away &..get Trump certified as president.But that's totally untrue,”

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“..Pence did not try to send the results back to certain states Trump lost in November. In fact, he sent a letter to Congress saying he did not have the power to reject Electoral College votes..”

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If the Justice Department prosecutes Bannon and he is convicted, he could face fines up to $100,000 and up to a year in prison. Woodward predicted the Justice Department will go further and #AppointSpecialCounsel

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"We have a very clear-cut case.I.. suspect..that AG Garland will #AppointSpecialCounsel to look at this,because the evidence is so clear for a massive Watergate-style attempt to destroy the process of electing a president”

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