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Oct 25, 2021, 7 tweets

Dave Chappelle has spoken out about the controversy over his Netflix special “The Closer” in a new standup video, saying that he is willing to meet with the transgender employees of the streamer.

“It’s been said in the press that I was invited to speak to the transgender employees of Netflix and I refused. That is not true—if they had invited me I would have accepted it, although I am confused about what we would be speaking about,” Chappelle said.

“I said what I said, and boy, I heard what you said. My God, how could I not? You said you want a safe working environment at Netflix. It seems like I’m the only one who can’t go to the office," Chappelle continued.

Chappelle added, “To the transgender community, I am more than willing to give you an audience, but you will not summon me. I am not bending to anyone’s demands."

“...Even though the media frames it that it’s me versus that community, that’s not what it is," Chappelle said. "Do not blame the LGBTQ community for any of this. It’s about corporate interests, and what I can say, and what I cannot say."

Chappelle also claimed the situation has affected his upcoming documentary, saying, “They began disinviting me from these film festivals. And now, today, not a film company, not a movie studio, not a film festival, nobody will touch this film."

See the full video from Chappelle:

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