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Oct 25, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ Short thread on 12k @pimaxofficial Reality Series announced:
$2,399 coming Q4 2022
QLED (combines OLED+LED)
1200 PPI
35 PPD
Foveated Rendering via Tobii eye tracking
Full-body & facial expression tracking
Standalone with split rendering with XR2

2/ The 12K Pimax Reality Series feels like a VR headset that you'd create if you jammed every single VR enthusiast feature in without any concern for weight or cost.
How will it feel?
It'll have 200-degree horizonal FOV, with 135-degree vertical FOV & a 118-degree binocular FOV.

3/ Whenever you have that big of a field of view on a VR HMD, then it inevitably has some distortion.
@pimaxofficial claims to have both a new patented anti-distortion algorithm, new bionic lens, & foveated rendering powered by Tobii eye tracking.
We'll wait & see how it feels.

4/ You might assume that the 12k @pimaxofficial Reality Series VR headset would be a PCVR HMD, but it's actually a wireless, All-in-One HMD, with swappable battery, & a Qualcomm XR2 chip for split rendering, WiFi6E, and a 60GHz high bandwidth connection.

5/ They also talked about QLED, which is some sort of new combination of tradeoffs between LED & OLED.
Their 12K resolution will have 1200 pixels per inch & 35 pixels per degree.
One metric that I DIDN'T see reported during the press conference was how much this thing weighs.

6/ Like I said, this headset feels like they threw in every single feature possible. Here's some more of the features + extensible third party modules, also auto-IPD adjustment.
Full press conference:

7/ Like many different VR companies, @pimaxofficial is jumping on the Metaverse train trying to tie their new 12K Pimax Reality features as being fundamental to the metaverse.
This usage of violates Parisi's Rule #5. The Metaverse is Hardware-Independent.

8/ Pimax did mention they're working on a VR Station sort of like a mini-computer optimized for PCVR gaming. They didn't mention a price, but potentially sort of like a higher-end console to make it a real standalone device, since not sure if any content can run on device.

9/ That's some highlights on @pimaxofficial's Pimax Reality 12K QLED that I had from watching their online press conference.
Again, it's a kitchen sink device that we don't how much it weighs & costs $2,399 & not coming until Q4 2022 (over a year from now)

END/ Some final slides I screencapture from the Pimax presentation showing:
* A bump in refresh rate to 200Hz (probably thanks to foveated rendering)
* Relative comparisons of their bionic lens
* Differences for PCVR vs Standalone mode specs
* Discounts for previous Pimax owners.

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