Adam Wathan Profile picture
Creator of @tailwindcss. Listener of Slayer. Austin 3:16.

Oct 26, 2021, 19 tweets

Ooo the Apple Store has the 14" I want for in-store pickup today... I will have the 16" and the 14" today and have to decide which one to keep πŸ˜…

Expect lots of pictures!


Don’t have the new 16” but here’s my 2019 16” next to the new 14”.

When I got the 16” originally it felt like an aircraft carrier but this 14” does feel like a little baby computer now πŸ˜…

Overall the design is beautiful in person, it feels extremely pro and industrial.

The simpler shape makes the previous gen feel like it was trying to hard to be β€œcool” or something.

New 16" is here, here it is next to the new 14":

Here's new 16" on left, and my 2019 16" on the right:

Here’s both new MacBook Pros and an M1 MacBook Air for comparison.

Here’s how the 13” and 16” look in my setup in practice, docked as a second display.

Most days I don’t even unplug my laptop, which is making me lean towards 16”…

14” whoops, not 13” πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

I still haven't had a chance to set either computer up to actually use it, but even with both machines in hand I still can't decide which size I prefer πŸ˜–

Pros for 16" πŸ‘‰

πŸ–₯ Bigger secondary screen
πŸ”‹ Better battery life
⚑️ Less chance of thermal throttling
✈️ More screen space when working only on laptop/traveling
πŸ”Š Better speakers

Pros for 14" πŸ‘‰

πŸ›Œ More comfortable on couch/in bed, where I literally never use it

16" looks like the obvious choice on paper but man I am struggling to resist the cool factor of having a smaller laptop again. The 12" MacBook still holds a special place in my heart for example, even though there is literally no practical benefit for my lifestyle πŸ˜…

I think I'm leaning 16" because I know I'll appreciate the extra workspace when we're on vacation as a family. But there's a little devil on my shoulder that I know is gonna call me a coward for doing it πŸ˜…

The problem with this decision process is that if Apple made a 20" laptop, that would technically be better on paper too. So there has to be some limit where the size is just too annoying to lug around. Just can't decide if the 16" is at that threshold.

Here’s an interesting tidbit though β€” because of the increased pixel density on these new machines, the 14” actually has slightly *more* workspace than my 2019 16”.

So if I’m happy with my current 16”, I should be happy with the new 14”.

But look at all the extra space on the new 16”!

Here’s what I actually look like in front of each size. My wife says I look ridiculous with the 14”, and like I’m working inside a doll house πŸ˜…

I think the winner is the 16" πŸ†

Better on paper in every important way, and my biggest concern was just looking like a goofus carrying around a giant aircraft carrier of a computer.

I never stopped to think the 14" makes me look like a fat guy in a little coat instead πŸ˜…

Have been using 16" all day, I literally can't get the fans to turn on. Largest Figma file I have + running my CamLink 4K in Photobooth + screensharing in Tuple at the same time, computer is just like "lol nice try".

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