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National trade organization representing the independent vapor industry—united on the journey to marketing orders.

Oct 26, 2021, 7 tweets

An opinion was issued this morning by the Fifth Circuit federal court granting Triton’s petition to halt FDA’s market denial order, pending judicial review. The opinion from the bench takes FDA and their NGO pals to the woodshed. 🔥🔥🔥

Opening passages take an absolute 2x4 to FDA’s entire process. 👀

And just keeps on hammering them. 3/

FDA tried to get slippery with the court by using new excuses at the bench. Nope.

Rejected. 🥊

Prohibition groups like CTFK, the misnamed Truth Initiative, and Parents Against Vaping tried to weigh in with Amicus briefs but the court KO’ed their arguments too. 6/

That is gonna leave a mark...


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